Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

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Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

Post by ShogunRua »

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World (2010)-

Annoying, sissy hipster douchebag guy tries win to the love (fleeting interest) of annoying, bitchy hipster douchebag girl. Hilarity ensues.

I was recommended this movie by several people, and each time I wondered how this could possibly be any good. The comic is fucking atrocious, and every time I see Michael Cera, I wonder how the hell anyone could employ him as an extra, let alone anything requiring speech or facial expression. Well, I got my answer. It isn't.

Cera is at his most brutal in this film, burying every single joke with a prayer of being funny, and totally sucking the life out of this film with his wooden attempts at being "awkward funny". Now, there are actors who can pull the latter off, like Woody Allen, Ricky Gervais, or Jesse Eisenberg. With Cera, part of the problem is how slow and mentally retarded he talks and looks at any given moment.

The lead female, played by Mary Elizabeth Winstead, also had me scratching me my head on how the hell she was cast. She's just utterly lifeless, providing zero amusement or interest at any point in the film. Adding insult to injury, she's not even that hot, nor does she show any skin. What the fuck was this no-talent, ordinary-looking moron doing here?

This film's primary problem is how freaking BORING it is. Listen, I have played almost every single video game in the NES and SNES libraries on an emulator, and damn near every fighter ever made. However, putting video game music, graphical life bars, and injecting it into the fucking dialogue does NOT make a movie funny all by itself. It can ENHANCE scenes and gags that are already funny by themselves, but it cannot carry an entire film.

The first 30 minutes of the film show damn near nothing except supposedly hilarious moments with the characters of Scott's small town. Problem is, none of the jokes, most taken directly from the comic, are any good. They're lame, and so are the characters. Now, something like a gay roommate could be funny, if it's written properly.

But when we're expected to laugh by the mere existence of said gay roommate? That's fucking pathetic.

Even after the fights start, the film keeps reverting back to this, and that's when there aren't empty, static scenes of Scott moping alone on a swing. Riveting entertainment, no?

"But what about the fights? Aren't they fun?"

Sadly, they might have been the biggest disappointment of the entire film. The choreography and stunt work is pathetic. Anytime you can clearly see Michael Cera (he does a few of his own stunts), it looks more lame and limp-dicked than something from Dolemite.

The fights with the stunt doubles are routine and generic, a little bit worse than in the crappy knock-off US martial arts films of the early 90s. And just to utterly kill any possible amusement in them, they overuse smash cuts, so one often can't even see what is going on.

There are bright colors, sure, and a few cool animations. Overall, though?

It's an example of a decent director saddled with a horrendous cast and script, with neither the tools or know-how to make a proper fight scene.

Avoid this garbage like the plague, and if you're morbidly curious, download that shit.

Last edited by ShogunRua on Mon Nov 26, 2012 5:25 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

Post by KGB »

I'm getting the impression that it's something resembeling 'Juno'.

Is it anything like Juno? In such case, I will happily embark on a crusade to burn down cinemas showing this film. Damn I hate Juno.

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Re: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

Post by ShogunRua »

KGB wrote:I'm getting the impression that it's something resembeling 'Juno'.

Is it anything like Juno? In such case, I will happily embark on a crusade to burn down cinemas showing this film. Damn I hate Juno.

Sorry, haven't seen "Juno" yet.

The thing that amazes me is that I am almost the perfect target audience for this; I love retro video games, comics, have spent days playing in the arcades, and really enjoy goofy action comedies. I'm almost the same age as the protagonist, and am presently a (mostly) jobless drain on society, too. In terms of demographics that the studio wanted to hit, I was it.

But this was just fucking AWFUL, for all the reasons stated above. While it was terrible, I also have some respect for the director, Edgar Wright, because he tried to inject something into the work, but it was like a man trying to stop a tsunami wave with his bare hands.

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Re: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

Post by Pickpocket »

ShogunRua wrote:Scott Pilgrim vs. The World (2010)-

The lead female, played by Mary Elizabeth Winstead, also had me scratching me my head on how the hell she was cast. She's just utterly lifeless, providing zero amusement or interest at any point in the film. Adding insult to injruy, she's not even that hot, nor does she show any skin. What the fuck was this no-talent, ordinary-looking moron doing here?

rofl, this makes everything else you said irrelevant. She's not that hot?


fucking atrocious!

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Re: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

Post by ShogunRua »

Pickpocket wrote:rofl, this makes everything else you said irrelevant. She's not that hot?

Are you really so dumb that you have never heard of "air brushing"? She does not look anything like that in the movie, let alone real life. She's pretty, attractive, but looks absolutely nothing like the picture you posted above. Here, educate yourself;

Anyways, I know you jizzed your panties at the mere fact that Scott Pilgrim vs. The World had sound effects from Zelda and Mario, but for me, that wasn't nearly enough to carry such a fucking awful film.

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Re: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

Post by Ytadel »

Nah. Movie of the year.

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Re: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

Post by SirStuckey »

Ytadel wrote:Nah. Movie of the year.

I concur

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Re: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

Post by Pickpocket »

ShogunRua wrote:
Pickpocket wrote:rofl, this makes everything else you said irrelevant. She's not that hot?

Are you really so dumb that you have never heard of "air brushing"? She does not look anything like that in the movie, let alone real life. She's pretty, attractive, but looks absolutely nothing like the picture you posted above. Here, educate yourself;

Anyways, I know you jizzed your panties at the mere fact that Scott Pilgrim vs. The World had sound effects from Zelda and Mario, but for me, that wasn't nearly enough to carry such a fucking awful film.

A simple google image search reveals that she is pretty damn attractive. I don't know what super models you are humping every night but if you would pass on that then you might need to start questioning things. Yes, and I liked the movie because of Mario sound effects, rofl good point

Ytadel wrote:Nah. Movie of the year.

Agreed. And the comic was good too

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Re: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

Post by ShogunRua »

Pickpocket wrote:A simple google image search reveals that she is pretty damn attractive.

Do you just hate reading or something? I wore that she was a pretty, attractive girl. But is she really hot? Is she someone who I see on screen, and go "wow"? Fuck no. Not even close. If you think she is, get out more. There's a huge difference between "I would have sex with" and "I consider super hot".

Weird that of all the things I wrote, you got really offended by that one. Are you obsessed with the actress or something? Do you have her poster on your bedroom wall? Is it sticky?

Pickpocket wrote:And the comic was good too

HAHAHA. To paraphrase your own statement, "your opinion on anything else is henceforth invalid". Seriously. If the movie was a natural disaster, then the comic would be like the entire planet blowing up.

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Re: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

Post by tef »

I haven't seen it, but the first 3 minutes turned me off and I turned it off.

Regarding the actress, I don't see her as a paragon of feminine beauty, but beauty is subjective. Nor does it matter. I WANT to see some love stories starring ugly people. It'd make for a fucking change of pace. I want to hear love songs sung by ugly people.

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