
Zorro : Episode List

Don Diego de la Vega opposes the corrupt tyrants of Spanish California as the masked swordsman, Zorro. (imdb)

Seasons: 3, Episodes: 44

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Welcome to Monterey
Welcome to Monterey (1958) - Season 2, Episode 1
As soon as Don Diego and Bernardo arrive in Monterey to look into an import business, they are attacked and robbed by two men who expected them to be carrying a large amount of money belonging to the investors who sent them. Because a number of investors have been robbed on the road, they had decided not to bring the money yet.
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Zorro Rides Alone
Zorro Rides Alone (1958) - Season 2, Episode 2
Diego sets a trap by telling Verdugo that the people bringing the investors' money will be coming to Monterey via the Guadalupe trail, when in fact they are supposed to be using the Camino Real. Unfortunately, Garcia and Reyes, who are bringing the money, decide they will try to outsmart the robbers by taking the Guadalupe trail instead, therefore falling ...
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Horse of Another Color
Horse of Another Color (1958) - Season 2, Episode 3
Senor Verdugo, whom Diego now realizes is trustworthy, agrees to deliver the investment money to San Francisco, along with Garcia and a newly arrived lieutenant sent to accompany them. Unknown to all of them, however, is that the real lieutenant was ambushed and the impostor posing as him is actually working with the robbers.
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The Señorita Makes a Choice
The Señorita Makes a Choice (1958) - Season 2, Episode 4
Anna Maria arrives at her house to find it ransacked, and that her father has been kidnapped and held for ransom. The treacherous servant Pablo tells her that he will be released for 45,000 pesos. Fearing for her father's life, she refuses to tell Diego, though he suspects what is going on.
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Rendezvous at Sundown
Rendezvous at Sundown (1958) - Season 2, Episode 5
Against Diego's advice, Romero persuades Anna Maria to agree to the kidnapper's insistence that she meet them for proof her father is alive. When they arrive, however, the kidnappers take Anna Maria hostage instead, and send her father and Romero back for the ransom money. When they return to Monterey for the money, Don Alejandro, who has arrived in town ...
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The New Order
The New Order (1958) - Season 2, Episode 6
Monterey's new acting governor issues a proclamation forbidding the peones from keeping stands in the Plaza.
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An Eye for an Eye
An Eye for an Eye (1958) - Season 2, Episode 7
Acting governor Luis Rico and his men grow more and more desperate to capture the fugitive Joaquin Castenada as the population of Monterey grows more and more tired of the ever increasing new regulations.
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Zorro and the Flag of Truce
Zorro and the Flag of Truce (1958) - Season 2, Episode 8
Alerted by Don Alejandro, the governor returns to Monterey. However, Luis Rico manages to convince him of his goodwill and innocence in the troubles that have plagued the town in his absence.
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Ambush (1958) - Season 2, Episode 9
Joaquin tries to avenge the attempted ambush by killing Rico and the Governor, but he and Theresa are both caught, and Rico makes Joaquin an offer---to spare Theresa's life if Joaquin will kill the Governor.
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The Practical Joker
The Practical Joker (1958) - Season 2, Episode 10
In Monterey, Diego and his friend Ricardo del Amo both serenade Anna Maria Verdugo. However, Ricardo is an incurable practical joker, and the practical joke he then plays on Diego has "boy who cried wolf" repercussions.
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The Flaming Arrow
The Flaming Arrow (1958) - Season 2, Episode 11
Ricardo del Amo's practical jokes do not endear him to the humorless Commandante, and when his next joke involves him impersonating Zorro, it leads to him being sentenced to hang.
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Zorro Fights a Duel
Zorro Fights a Duel (1958) - Season 2, Episode 12
Still feeling that he is in competition with Zorro, and Diego, for Anna Maria's affection, Ricardo publicly challenges Zorro to a duel in the hopes of unmasking him.
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Amnesty for Zorro
Amnesty for Zorro (1959) - Season 2, Episode 13
Hoping it will work to his advantage in getting Anna Maria to choose him, Ricardo persuades the Governor to offer amnesty to Zorro if the masked man will reveal his identity. Diego decides to accept the offer so that he may marry Anna Maria himself. But a mysterious stranger in black then holds Diego and Bernardo hostage.
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The Runaways
The Runaways (1959) - Season 2, Episode 14
Romaldo and Buena, two indentured servants, want to get married, but must have the permission of their masters. Don Diego, Buena's master, gives his permission, but Romaldo's master Don Tomas does not. Diego must talk Romaldo out of his idea of running away with Buena. But Don Tomas's vaquero wants Buena for himself and lies and schemes to frustrate the young lovers' ...
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The Iron Box
The Iron Box (1959) - Season 2, Episode 15
A blacksmith has constructed a huge iron box that will be used to transport the town's tax money to the Governor. He has also made a large lock and key. The key is mailed to the Governor ahead of time. Unfortunately, the blacksmith's son is romantically involved with a woman who, unbeknown to him, is working with thieves who intend to steal the money, and plan to use...
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The Gay Caballero
The Gay Caballero (1959) - Season 2, Episode 16
Diego's uncle, Estevan de la Cruz, arrives at the de la Vega hacienda and throws a lavish party to celebrate his arrival. At the celebration, he tries to sell jewels to several visitors. Diego suspects that the jewels, which Estevan says he bought in Spain, are actually fake.
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Tornado Is Missing
Tornado Is Missing (1959) - Season 2, Episode 17
Tornado goes missing from his stall, and though Diego, Alejandro, and Bernardo go searching for him, he is found by Estevan, who keeps him and plans to use him to win money in a race and then to find and collect the reward for Zorro's capture.
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Zorro Versus Cupid
Zorro Versus Cupid (1959) - Season 2, Episode 18
Estevan announces his engagement to Margarita Cotazar. Knowing that his gold-digger uncle is interested only in her money, Diego determines to stop him, as Zorro.
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The Legend of Zorro
The Legend of Zorro (1959) - Season 2, Episode 19
Consistently frustrated by Zorro in his attempts to court and marry Margarita, Estevan tells Diego he is giving up and leaving for Spain, but he actually has one final plan left.
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Spark of Revenge
Spark of Revenge (1959) - Season 2, Episode 20
A severe drought has affected ranchers both big and small. Unfortunately, big rancher Don Hilario will not allow smaller ranchers like Miguel Roverto to use water from his ranch, as he has been forced to sell off his own cattle for half price. When Miguel's house burns down because he had no water with which to put it out, he blames Don Hilario for it.
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The Missing Father
The Missing Father (1959) - Season 2, Episode 21
Anita Cabrillo comes to Los Angeles looking for her father, whom she has not seen in twelve years. But nobody in town has ever heard of her father or his hacienda. Diego invites Anita to stay at the de la Vega hacienda until the mystery can be solved.
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Please Believe Me
Please Believe Me (1959) - Season 2, Episode 22
To show she is telling the truth about her claim that her father wrote her from Los Angeles, Anita looks for the letters he wrote, but cannot find them in her bags and claims they were stolen. Diego suspects that somebody has been deliberately deceiving her, and that the attempts to get her to return to Spain are part of an effort to cover up the truth.
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The Brooch
The Brooch (1959) - Season 2, Episode 23
Don Alejandro is about to tell Anita she must return to Spain until he notices the brooch she is wearing. Anita says her father sent it to her from Los Angeles. Alejandro recognizes it as having belonged to Diego's mother and remembers giving it to the church for auction after her death. Diego and Alejandro realize that if they can determine who bought the brooch at...
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Zorro and the Mountain Man
Zorro and the Mountain Man (1959) - Season 2, Episode 24
Rough, crusty American mountain man Joe Crane wanders into Los Angeles, and immediately manages to offend many Spanish with his crude manners, and also with his straightforward approach to a barmaid. A landowner challenges him to a duel, and is quickly beaten and humiliated, but thus vows to kill the mountain man. Garcia jails Crane for entering Spanish territory with...
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The Hound of the Sierras
The Hound of the Sierras (1959) - Season 2, Episode 25
After escaping from jail mountain man Joe Crane hides out at barmaid Carlotta's house. Garcia and his lancers barely miss finding him there, but a worse problem for Crane is that Don Carlos and his bodyguard have brought a vicious half-breed wolf to search him out.
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Manhunt (1959) - Season 2, Episode 26
Joe Crane again hides out at Carlotta's house, not intending to go on his way until he has retrieved his furs from the jail in town. What he doesn't know is that Garcia has sold the furs to Don Carlos, who plans to use them as bait to catch Crane and kill him.
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The Man from Spain
The Man from Spain (1959) - Season 2, Episode 27
The king's emissary Andres Basilio arrives in Los Angeles and immediately alienates everyone with his arrogance. He interrupts the celebration of Garcia's birthday party, impugning the loyalty of all for having fun while Spain is at war, and throwing Garcia's piñata in the trash. He also demands that everyone in town buy bonds to finance the war, and places outrageous...
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Treasure for the King
Treasure for the King (1959) - Season 2, Episode 28
Basilio decides to keep the gold he has collected from the area landlords rather than ship it to Spain for the war effort as he is supposed to do. To cover up for his deceit he rigs a contraption to cause an explosion on the ship that was to carry the gold, so that it will be lost at sea. Zorro has to stop this from happening.
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Exposing the Tyrant
Exposing the Tyrant (1959) - Season 2, Episode 29
In another attempt to obtain wealth for himself, Basilio uses Garcia's dreams and an obsolete law in order to convict Moneta's father of treason--for owning property bought from countries other than Spain.
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Zorro Takes a Dare
Zorro Takes a Dare (1959) - Season 2, Episode 30
Basilio tries once again to use Garcia as bait to capture and kill Zorro. When this fails, he decides that Bernardo is the key to Zorro's capture.
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An Affair of Honor
An Affair of Honor (1959) - Season 2, Episode 31
A professional swordsman, hoping to extract a large payment from the de la Vega household in exchange, provokes Don Diego into hitting him, and then challenges him to a duel. Diego is thus caught between appearing to fight clumsily and thus risking his life, or fighting as the expert that he is and thus risking giving away his identity as Zorro.
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The Sergeant Sees Red
The Sergeant Sees Red (1959) - Season 2, Episode 32
Upon returning to town with Padre Simeon, Garcia finds almost the entire town, including his lancers, quarantined due to the measles. The padre has brought back a golden chalice, which he shows to his ex-convict servant, who then decides to steal the chalice and take advantage of the quarantine to cover his tracks and escape.
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Invitation to Death
Invitation to Death (1959) - Season 2, Episode 33
After the Governor is injured in an apparent attack while traveling in Los Angeles, he appoints his aide, Captain Felipe Arellano, as acting Governor while he recuperates. But Arellano starts to yield to temptation when a man suggests that his new title might become permanent if the Governor were to die.
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The Captain Regrets
The Captain Regrets (1959) - Season 2, Episode 34
While the Governor recuperates in the de la Vega hacienda, Arellano tries to talk his daughter into signing a statement declaring him incompetent. When she refuses, he again considers the proposal of the Rebvatos who want the Governor dead.
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Masquerade for Murder
Masquerade for Murder (1959) - Season 2, Episode 35
Knowing that another attempt will be made against the Governor's life, Diego proposes that a party be thrown in his honor, hoping to force the conspirators' hand and expose them. But Arellano complicates matters by persuading Leonar that it be a masquerade party.
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Long Live the Governor
Long Live the Governor (1959) - Season 2, Episode 36
Arellano and the Rebatos plan once again to kill the Governor. Diego and Alejandro are aware of their plans but Diego decides bot to act until they can get all of the Rebatos together so that they know who they are.
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The Fortune Teller
The Fortune Teller (1959) - Season 2, Episode 37
Garcia is asked to guard a pouch containing a large amount of money belonging to a friend of Don Alejandro's. However, a fortune teller, who is working with two thieves, uses her wiles to manipulate the sergeant so that she and her friends can obtain the money.
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Señor China Boy
Señor China Boy (1959) - Season 2, Episode 38
Garcia and Reyes find a Chinese youth hiding in a merchant's warehouse. The youth can only speak Chinese and thus cannot communicate with anyone in town, though Bernardo, through sign language, learns that he had been a prisoner on a ship. Diego brings something the youth wrote in Chinese characters to a priest to interpret. But an American seaman arrives and claims ...
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Finders Keepers
Finders Keepers (1959) - Season 2, Episode 39
Bernardo finds a young woman, unconscious, after she has been robbed and her carriage overturned. When she comes to, she thinks Bernardo is the one who attacked and robbed her. What's worse, when her servant who was riding with her is found, he also identifies Bernardo as the one who robbed them. It will be up to Zorro to bring out the truth.
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