Zatôichi Monogatari

Zatôichi Monogatari : Episode List

Blind masseur Zatôichi travels from town to town gambling, drinking, and fighting off the local gangs. (

Seasons: 4, Episodes: 100

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A Challenge of Chance
A Challenge of Chance (1974) - Season 1, Episode 1
Two Bosses fight for control of a mine. Will Zatoichi takes sides? A man with a musket wants to end that threat.
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The Flower That Bloomed with the Lullaby
A young child falls under Zatoichi's care. As the child's secret origin is revealed, others become very interested in its fate.
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A Memorial Day and the Bell of Life
Due to an event in his past, Zatoichi won't draw his sword on a certain day every year. That day has arrived. His enemies, however, have no such restriction. Now he must try to survive the day.
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The Kannon Statue That Was Tied
A roadside statue of some significance needs to be moved. Its popularity means that there's lots of money to be made in its new location. Two different bosses want their territories to be its new home and they'll do anything to get it.
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The Heartless Man, Touched by Compassion
A ronin's sister has gone blind but can be cured if he's able to raise enough money within the next month.
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Pouring Rain
Pouring Rain (1974) - Season 1, Episode 6
Zatoichi is smitten by an older pretty woman, but she despises him for what he did to her brother. Zatoichi ends up pursuing her and ends up having to deal with a pimp who sells poor farmer's daughters to the local gang boss.
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A Bird Lands on Ichi
A Bird Lands on Ichi (1974) - Season 1, Episode 7
Zatoichi has been hired to help fight a war between two yakuza gangs, but they are stopped by a man who claims they can't fight because the land they are on is a bird and hunting ground.
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An Unforgettable Flower
An Unforgettable Flower (1974) - Season 1, Episode 8
Zatoichi meets a young woman named Okiku at a river trying to commit suicide by hanging. He rescues her from some gang members and end up traveling together. They stay at an inn and end up having feelings for each other.
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The Second Zatoichi
The Second Zatoichi (1974) - Season 1, Episode 9
Another blind man impersonates Zatoichi while his female companion strings him along for her own benefit.
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The Sumo Wrestler Who Found His Home
Zatoichi comes across a former sumo wrestler who wants to be his gambling disciple and his purse suffers from trying to feed the wrestler. A planned sumo championship is derailed by local yakuza.
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The Whirlwind of Kisoji Mountain
One gang wants to kill Zatoichi. Another wants to get rid of the herb doctor who may interfere with their business. They hire a marksman to kill Zatoichi.
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Humanity and Justice
Humanity and Justice (1974) - Season 1, Episode 12
Zatoichi meets a young woman disguised as a ronin on her quest to kill a yakuza boss. But the disguise doesn't fool the lecherous boss or his jealous wife. Zatoichi slaughters almost everyone.
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The 1,000 Ryo Raffle
The 1,000 Ryo Raffle (1974) - Season 1, Episode 13
Zatoichi meets a drunken ex-convict, who gives him a lottery ticket. The ex-con goes back to his village only to find his home life is not the way he left it.
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Fighting Journey with Baby in Tow
Yakuza stab the passenger of a palanquin they believe is Zatoichi only to find it is a woman carrying a baby. Zatoichi undertakes to carry the baby to its father. On the way he enlists an unscrupulous woman to help take care of the baby.
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Festival Song of the Raven
Festival Song of the Raven (1974) - Season 1, Episode 15
Zatoichi spares an attacker who begs for his life. He gives him money, tells him to be an honest man, and says he will visit him at his shop. But the man is slain as soon as Zatoichi walks away.
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The Wind from Mount Akagi
The Wind from Mount Akagi (1974) - Season 1, Episode 16
Zatoichi finds his old boss Chuji whom he and others considered a god, but who has fallen from grace. Zatoichi tries to get him on the right path again.
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Burning Sunset on the Bridal Pass
A hit man is hired to kill two men carrying a petition to Edo as Zatoichi is passing. The governor arrives at the wedding party of Zatoichi's hosts and inserts himself in the wedding ceremony uninvited. All is not as it seems.
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A Rush Trip
A Rush Trip (1974) - Season 1, Episode 18
Zatoichi aids a criminal who has just murdered a boss and gets caught up in his messy affairs.
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A Rainbow Over My Homeland
A Rainbow Over My Homeland (1974) - Season 1, Episode 19
It's the 3-year festival in Itabana and good food is in demand. Zatoichi's traveling companion recommends the restaurant Fukube, but the food doesn't measure up and he gives it a cutting review.
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A Female Boss and Her Wolves
A Female Boss and Her Wolves (1974) - Season 1, Episode 20
The widow of a yakuza boss wants to go clean and for her son to get an honest job. But the rival clan under her adopted son is complicating her move.
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The Little Flower by the Lake
The Little Flower by the Lake (1974) - Season 1, Episode 21
Zatoichi hears a couple expressing their undying devotion to each other. She sells herself into prostitution to pay her lover, Sentaro's debt. But Zatoichi's new prostitute companion is also waiting for Sentaro to come back.
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Song of the Father and Son
Song of the Father and Son (1974) - Season 1, Episode 22
A little boy offers Zatoichi room in his parents' inn. But the patriarch gets a loan from a swindler with eyes on more than a simple loan repayment.
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Suicide Song of Lovers
Suicide Song of Lovers (1974) - Season 1, Episode 23
A Goze (blind woman musician) is cast out of her association for falling in love with a man in violation of the Goze rules, but the man's family will not accept her.
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The Coming of Spring
The Coming of Spring (1974) - Season 1, Episode 24
Zatoichi tries to help a spoiled rich girl who is traveling alone but she is ungrateful for all the things he does for her.
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Way of the Yakuza
Way of the Yakuza (1974) - Season 1, Episode 25
After killing a yakuza boss, Zatoichi is stalked by his 2 remaining retainers. But all doesn't go as they planned.
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Traveling Alone
Traveling Alone (1974) - Season 1, Episode 26
Zatoichi returns to the home village that he left many years ago. The head priest there convinces him to end his violent ways and become a priest instead. Will his many enemies leave him in peace?
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