The Sopranos
The Sopranos
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The Sopranos

The Sopranos

1999 - 2007
Drama, Crime
TV Series
New Jersey mob boss Tony Soprano deals with personal and professional issues in his home and business life that affect his mental state, leading him to seek professional psychiatric counseling. Episode List

The Sopranos

1999 - 2007
Drama, Crime
TV Series
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 83.04% from 1667 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 30 May 2018
It's like a documentary about a culture or species that is about to go extinct. Tony embodies a shift from the traditional Italian life-style to an American capitalist-liberal one: he always avoids fracases out of honor and focuses on the "cash-value" of issues. He even tolerates Vito's homosexuality cause he gains a lot. Tony goes through an existential journey as he grapples with the "new" world where there is no place for "old" values. It's like reading a dense 19th c. realist novel. Awesome.
Rated 06 Mar 2019
Is it just me, or is the so-called Golden Age of Television not all it's cracked up to be? This is the epitome of that fawning respectability which is characteristic of modern acclaimed US prestige dramas, where The Police's "Every Breath You Take" is played alongside the police wiretapping gangsters and where the meaning of surreal dream sequences is outright explained by the characters. If this is the best that the US has to offer, then I'll gladly go back to watching trashy anime.
Rated 11 Sep 2015
Not only the greatest show of all time, but the two halves of Season 6 is up there for greatest achievements in narrative storytelling of any form, period. Performances, visuals, tone. The image of Paulie tanning with the cat haunting him nearby will profoundly affect me forever. And dat end scene.
Rated 16 Apr 2020
A bit of a tough one to rate. On the one hand, it has an incredibly deep bench of strong, well-acted characters. It finds truth in the sociological drivers of organized crime--emphasizing the mundane over the glorified. And it's undoubtedly the founding father of TV's Golden Age. But it also really struggles in its attempts to be philosophically deep, which are frequent. A show I'll always appreciate, but I'm not convinced it belongs on TV's Rushmore.
Rated 06 Sep 2015
Still the greatest TV show of all time. Even the women are well written which is usually not the case in these type of shows. So many classic scenes, James Gandolfini is perfect as Tony, so many great characters, so many hilarious scenes. Paulie still remains one of my all time favorite characters.
Rated 26 Mar 2018
(Completed) Is it just me, or does every HBO drama seem to constantly insinuate that shit is about to hit the fan, but really the boy doth cry wolf, and tedium is the name of the game? I am right. When something finally happens, I'm like, "huh? Oh, I don't care now. I'm reading the back of this DuckTales VHS" (Edie Falco and Michael Imperioli are so good it's banyaners) (I agree with IMDb. My favorite episode is 'Pine Barrens') (Every female extra plays a stripper!!)
Rated 08 Sep 2015
Even though it's probably 20 hours (2 seasons) worth of episodes too long, at its best, there's nothing like it: a surprisingly organic mixture of domestic drama, crime saga, sitcom, and Lynchian, surrealist horror.
Rated 06 Sep 2015
The best TV drama I ever saw. Mostly brilliant writing & a very rewarding slow burning pace. Even the weaker plotlines are carried by the absolutely fabulous cast & wonderfully classy direction. Really manages to find its own thing and stick to it despite its flaws. Some bits are maybe too slow or less interesting than others but as a whole it's almost perfectly structured for the small screen. The ending really feels like a proper conclusion to a story in a way few TV shows can even aspire to.
Rated 06 Sep 2015
What started out as a slightly satirical mobster dramedy in its first season, has by its sixth transformed into an introspective existential drama, a reminder of the viewer's own mortality and a call to action, a thorny morality tale, a thousand other things and on top of that, still a really heartfelt family drama. A ridiculously multi-layered masterpiece of a show that has influenced nearly every other American drama series to follow, and been superseded by none.
Rated 05 Sep 2015
The Godfather of high quality U.S. programming, it set the pace for every Breaking Bad and Mad Men that followed it. The role Gandolfini was born for, it has a wonderful supporting cast and manages to make you want to like these monsters. That ending though...
Rated 11 Oct 2023
Having just seen this for the first time in 2023, I can confirm that it absolutely holds up. I avoided it the first time since I'm generally not a fan of mob movies since they tend to romanticize criminals w/ all this loyalty & honor BS. Little did I know this show is the opposite of that w/ the show constantly reminding us "No matter how entertaining they are, these people are scum." It also sometimes points out the problems w/ therapy & best of all, how family members can become hateable.
Rated 26 May 2022
Finally working my way through this. Season 1: tons of good stuff but I cannot stand about half the cast. I hate Tony's mother so much that when an episode opened at an old woman's funeral I cheered "Oh finally!" before realizing it wasn't her. The kids suck ass, and Uncle Junior is a good character but I don't like the performance. The writing is mostly strong except when the dialogue devolves characters reciting essays on Italian heritage to each other
Rated 07 Apr 2022
Wow! What a journey it was. Absolutely gorgeous. Great writing, directing and acting. So many things were wonderful in this masterpiece. The art and the music were very well placed in the series. The depth of the script was incredible. Thanks to all the individuals for putting together this amazing show! Cheers!
Rated 23 Jan 2021
A great show which correctly makes it clear that you should not be rooting for Tony. Unlike say, Breaking Bad, which glorifies in its protagonist's vapid stupid immorality.
Rated 10 Feb 2018
Hard to find a show that consistently delivers poignancy and entertainment over the course of 8 years. Harder still to find a show that wraps up the series as perfectly as The Sopranos did.
Rated 18 Jan 2018
If The Sopranos wasn't great enough just by virtue of the fact that it kick-started the Golden Age of Television, it managed to produce television that still holds up today as some of the finest work the medium has ever produced.
Rated 11 Mar 2016
The best, most thoughtful, most emotionally intelligent, most well-written and acted, and honestly on top of that possibly the funniest, TV show ever made. Galdolfini's Tony is the best fictional character in history.
Rated 18 Feb 2016
Excellent, TV at its finest. Complete series.
Rated 05 Sep 2015
S6B > S5 > S4 > S1 > S2 > S3 > S6A. There's major clumsiness with the Vito storyline in the last season (S6A) and Buscemi felt like a "special guest appearance", otherwise it's perfect television. Gandolfini and Falco are both phenomenal (arguably the two single best performances in any medium), and the series is not only a masterclass in black comedy, an exploration of social & individual entropy, but also an exemplar of proper pronunciation:
Rated 05 Sep 2015
The Sopranos fluctuates in quality over the course of its run, but that's how TV works. Episode by episode, imperfections accumulate, but that only leads to an imperfect show if you accept that there's a ceiling of perfection in the first place. For every scene of Vito in a gay bar, there are two more that redefine TV forever; the entire finale may leave a bigger footprint on history than any movie that year, or decade, alone. I saw this for the first time two years ago. It will last forever.
Rated 01 Sep 2024
S1: 90 - S2: 100 - S3: 100 - S4: 100 - S5: 100 - S6: 100
Rated 10 Apr 2024
Great show, best show I’ve seen
Rated 13 Feb 2024
S1: 92. S2:90. S3: 95. S4: 92. S5: 95. S6: 92
Rated 11 Feb 2024
For the life of me, I don't get it. It's an awkward blend of didactic family melodrama, Italian gangster cliches, eye-rolling pop psychoanalysis and constant derpy attempts at humor, has zero believability or immersion, and it bored the hell out of me. Insanely overglorified shitty writing.
Rated 28 Oct 2023
Impossible to list off all the moments of TV perfection contained within this show, but the acting and scripting was so perfect it transcended the medium. So many of the actors embodied these roles it's hard to believe you are watching acting. The storylines were intense, yet there were frequent moments of humour in every show. Not so much about mafia, as about the meaning of life, parenting, family, privilige, addiction, responsibililty, society, depression and ofc human callousness.
Rated 11 Oct 2023
i liked it more than i liked it lol. invented higher quality modern TV but didn't always stay at that level, overall that was an 80. -mostly from a lot of acting, side characters and their storylines (like christopher's band) which got worse in the last 2 seasons even though there were more good ones. the returning legends was kinda meh. paulie silly cadence etc. tony is more his mom, janice is more their dad. AJ is a sociopath+faker. Melfi shouldn't have ended it like that. Love the last moment
Rated 15 Mar 2023
Has some really good ups, such as the hilarious Pine Barrens episode. The therapy stuff is hit or miss.
Rated 04 Feb 2023
An amazing achievement in television production for the first 2 years. Then you could sense a downward turn halfway through season 3. The last 3 seasons plodded along with nothing as explosive as the first two seasons.
Rated 26 Nov 2022
I won’t argue with those who laud this as a crowning achievement for television—because it is one. It’s one of the progenitors to the golden era that ushered in untouchables like Breaking Bad. But the show can often be too unfocused for its own good. It’s not uncommon for plot threads to fizzle or resolve with little difference to the characters. And I’m just gonna say it: the ending does not work.
Rated 15 Oct 2022
one of the greatest shows on tv. characters, dialogues, and cinematography. accessible and intelligent. you can watch it for the thrills or as a cultural documentary.
Rated 06 Sep 2022
Good, but I don’t understand all the hype. It felt kinda static compared to today’s masterpieces.
Rated 24 Mar 2022
I've tried twice to make it through the first season, and not got hooked. It's well made, but have later shows e.g. the Wire, Breaking Bad, built on it to the point I don't need to watch? Get in touch if I'm making a big mistake!
Rated 02 Nov 2021
Truly one of the trailblazers for the new modern golden age of TV. While it shows it's age and suffers from the same thing as Seinfeld where it's successors improved upon the formula overall it has aged quite well. It does well on rewatches as you can catch onto many things you may have missed on the first watch through. It has some rough moments like the Vito plotline, the Ben Kingsley episode, repeat plotlines, & at times the pacing being rough. But overall it's one of the best shows ever.
Rated 08 May 2021
Rated 04 May 2021
You want to talk compromise? I wanted to give this show a 100 but they had that one episode with Mad Genius talm bout reparations
Rated 14 Apr 2021
All praise given to this show is deserved so anything I have to say will be redundant -- but I'll say it anyway. Absolutely everything (except cinematography) is exceptional, and even when the characters are frustrating me, it just makes them feel more real. No smugness present here like certain other copycat shows, this gets right into the nitty-gritty of mafia life and its psychological consequences (that never change).
Rated 28 Jan 2021
Overall an amazing TV series. Gandolfini does one of the best roles I have EVER seen in film/television. Some amazing beautiful moments poppped up quietly every few episodes and made me grinning or loudly laughing. The only thing I despise though is Carmela. She must be the stupidest female character ever created. Her split up with Tony was very delayed and the get back together made no sense. And it all ends with the best death scene I have ever seen
Rated 22 Aug 2020
Best Tv show ever.
Rated 24 May 2020
I remember liking the episodes I caught here and there when this first aired, but am only now watching all of it, from the beginning, for the first time, and... for my money, perhaps the greatest series of all time--certainly in the top 5. Spectacular writing, stunning cast, sure had everything. Even Nancy Marchand. It's not easy to upstage James Gandolfini, but she managed to do it practically every scene she was in. But, acting-wise, this is Gandolfini's tour-de-force. Superb.
Rated 04 May 2020
While I acknowledge its influence, I find this overrated. I've never hated a character as much as AJ and Meadow is a close 2nd. Paulie almost makes up for them though. Best scene is S5 E7 ending with Tony smoking at the Bing while Linkin Park instrumental plays. I resent the post dream explanations, implying they can be dissected for concrete meaning and that psychiatrists are qualified to interpret them. Fuck the last scene of the finale from the bottom of my dick
Rated 01 May 2020
S1:80 S2:85 S3:80 S4:75 S5:80 S6:80
Rated 17 Feb 2020
Great show. But I felt there were so many threads that were just never closed.
Rated 23 Oct 2019
Another historical staple in television history, The Sopranos is the father of the current small screen golden age. Gandolfini is perfectly cast as Tony Soprano, and the writing is both precise and profound. Perhaps a little self-indulgent at times, but as the first serious tv series of its kind, that is very well earned.
Rated 02 Oct 2019
After season one, they ran out of Scorsese ideas to steal and it turned into a bottom-tier soap opera. Except that the stories in soap operas actually go somewhere sometimes. This is my least favourite theme song. I like to try to image someone who would listen to this theme song just as music. Play it when friends come over and say, "That's my jam".
Rated 25 Dec 2018
Enjoyed the first season, but started to grow restless fast in season 2. I'm just not interested in these characters and what they are doing.
Rated 18 Feb 2018
Seen through every season except the last season.
Rated 12 Dec 2017
watchable but dont get some ppls obsession with that series...
Rated 22 Sep 2017
The best melodrama on TV I have ever seen.
Rated 10 Sep 2017
I had initially rated this higher but, on reflection, I now remember nothing more than what amounts to a logline for this show ("Troubled mobster boss decides to go to therapy"), so it can't be good.
Rated 31 Mar 2017
Great series
Rated 02 Feb 2017
It's always great. There is a focus on the protagonist's family which can be annoying at times. But still, it's a magnificent journey. The characters have cult potential, and the little scenes "in between" make it all fit together.
Rated 06 Feb 2016
Season 1-6 - 90
Rated 06 Jan 2016
Best show to ever play on TV
Rated 05 Dec 2015
Sopranos is always better
Rated 28 Nov 2015
Rated 08 Nov 2015
Finished on 11.9.24
Rated 31 Oct 2015
Who-are. Aside from all else, the amount of food served up on screen was enough for me to ensure to keep a healthy supply of processed meats available for general grazing. Among the many highlight for me was the 'Kevin Finnerty' sequences.
Rated 10 Oct 2015
This show was very consistent throughout it's whole run. The last episode was a bit of a letdown, and there were a few weird one-off shows in there but it's still solid. This show singlehandedly brought serialized TV back and I'm glad it did.
Rated 12 Sep 2015
First class writing & acting, humour as I like it - in a big large slab of black
Rated 09 Sep 2015
It's all excellent, the acting especially (I'll put Falco at the top here), but the key treasure here is its final season, which is such a mindfuck of pure existential, character-driven horror.
Rated 05 Sep 2015
you'll gain weight just by watching this
Rated 05 Sep 2015
Quite enjoyed the first couple of seasons but got a bit behind and ditched during 3. On the 'someday maybe' box-set list for now.
Rated 01 Sep 2015
Overall, a very good programme premised around the question, “What if GOODFELLAS was a television series?” The answer turns out to be: it becomes a soap opera. Except funnier.


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