The Scavengers
The Scavengers
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The Scavengers

The Scavengers

Gunsmoke - Season: 16, Episode: 10 - All Episodes
Piney Biggs wanders tired and thirsty into what's left of a family's camp site that has been massacred with no survivors. As he is scavenging through the remains a band of Indians come by and Piney is forced to play dead. He later identifies them as the attackers and tells the people of Dodge that he had been traveling with the family and he is the only survivor. A posse is formed to hunt them down. The Indians are captured by a slimy band of bounty hunters who find Piney's story suspicious.

The Scavengers

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Avg Percentile 79.71% from 1 total ratings

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Rated 06 Jan 2023


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