The Honeymooners

The Honeymooners : Episode List

Ralph Kramden is a New York bus driver who dreams of a better life. With his eccentric good friend, Ed Norton the sewer worker, he constantly tries crackpot schemes to strike it rich. All the while, his exasperated wife, Alice, is always there to bring him down to earth or to pick him up if he beats her to it. For as much as they fight, even dunderhead Ralph knows that she is the greatest and vice versa.

Seasons: 1, Episodes: 11

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TV or Not TV
TV or Not TV (1955) - Season 1, Episode 1
Too cheap to purchase a television set, Ralph and Norton pools their cash to purchase the set. It gets ugly when Ralph and Norton's friendship gets jeopardized when they fight over which television show to watch. (imdb)
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Funny Money
Funny Money (1955) - Season 1, Episode 2
Counterfeiters have lost a suitcase of 'funny money' and have to wait 30 days to retrieve it. Once 30 days have elapsed it becomes the property of the person who found it...Ralph Kramden. When he discovers the contents of the case he goes on a wild spending spree despite Alice's warnings that this doesn't seem right. It isn't long before the gangsters come calling for their loot. (imdb)
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The Golfer
The Golfer (1955) - Season 1, Episode 3
Ralph wants to be named the new Assistant Traffic Manager at the bus terminal. This is a promotion he feels he has worked hard for and he deserves. In order to ensure it he needs to get in good with Mr. Harper, the man in charge. Harper and Ralph strike up a conversation and with Norton's help he finds himself with a date to play golf...of course Ralph knows nothing about the game of golf. (imdb)
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A Woman\
A Woman's Work Is Never Done (1955) - Season 1, Episode 4
Alice is so tired of Ralph's complaining about the housework not getting done that she decides to hire themselves a maid while she goes off to get a job herself. (imdb)
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A Matter of Life and Death
A Matter of Life and Death (1955) - Season 1, Episode 5
Ralph worries that he has only six months to live. (imdb)
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The Sleepwalker
The Sleepwalker (1955) - Season 1, Episode 6
When Norton's sleepwalking through Ralph's apartment disturbs Ralph one time too many, Ralph decides to get to the root of Norton's trouble. (imdb)
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Better Living Through TV
Better Living Through TV (1955) - Season 1, Episode 7
Ralph's newest get-rich-quick scheme is to sell an all-purpose kitchen gadget. With Norton's assistance, Ralph plans to demonstrate it during a live TV commercial, in order to reach more potential buyers. But Ralph's last-minute stage fright may ruin the commercial. (imdb)
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Pal O\
Pal O' Mine (1955) - Season 1, Episode 8
A ring that was intended for Norton's new supervisor in the sewer, but that instead gets stuck on Ralph's finger accidentally, is all it takes to jeopardize Ralph's friendship with Norton - until an explosion in the sewer brings Ralph to his senses. (imdb)
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Brother Ralph
Brother Ralph (1955) - Season 1, Episode 9
Because of a suggestion he made, Ralph gets laid off. While they're trying to figure out how to cope with the bills, Alice decides to go back to work over Ralph's objections. (imdb)
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Hello Mom
Hello Mom (1955) - Season 1, Episode 10
The Kramdens get a telegram from Alice's mother, telling them she was coming for a visit. Ralph is less then pleased and asks to stay with the Nortons. (imdb)
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The Deciding Vote
The Deciding Vote (1955) - Season 1, Episode 11
There is a Raccoon election going on for convention manager, and it's up to Norton to be the deciding vote. (imdb)
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