The Great

The Great : Episode List

A royal woman living in rural Austria during the 18th century is forced to choose between her own personal happiness and the future of Russia, when she marries an Emperor.

Seasons: 3, Episodes: 30

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The Bullet or the Bear
The Bullet or the Bear (2023) - Season 3, Episode 1
Catherine and Peter seek some marriage guidance after the chaotic events of the previous day left them in an awkward place in their relationship. (imdb)
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Choose Your Weapon
Choose Your Weapon (2023) - Season 3, Episode 2
Catherine is visited by the UK and US ambassadors both wanting her to intervene in the War of Independence. Maxim takes issue with the public displays of affection between Grigor and Marial. (imdb)
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You the People
You the People (2023) - Season 3, Episode 3
Catherine involves the peasants, nobles and merchants in a conference designed to bring change to Russia. Peter's hunt for revenge on an historic enemy threatens to destabilize Catherine's attempt to outlaw murder. (imdb)
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Stag (2023) - Season 3, Episode 4
Arkady and Tatyana help Peter and Catherine through a rough patch as they clash over their son, Paul, whom Catherine fears will grow up to be a ruthless leader and so refuses to ordain him, to the alarm of Archie and Elizabeth. (imdb)
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Sweden (2023) - Season 3, Episode 5
Peter is once again tormented by his father's expectations and his failure to continue the legacy of his empire. Catherine must decide to do about the unrest being stirred up in the regions, but Velementov is in no state to help her. (imdb)
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Ice (2023) - Season 3, Episode 6
Catherine tries to persuade Peter to come home whilst Hugo re-doubles his attempts to regain his kingdom. Georgina continues to play her complicated court games. (imdb)
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Fun (2023) - Season 3, Episode 7
Catherine wants to bring more fun to the court, so she stages a festival of truth, jokes and stunningly clever ideas with Georgina's help. Katya puts on a play challenging Catherine's reign and Catherine samples Peter's salty desserts. (imdb)
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Peter and the Wolf
Peter and the Wolf (2023) - Season 3, Episode 8
Catherine introduces divorce to the court with unforeseen consequences. Grigor befriends Maxim and takes him stag hunting, while Elizabeth and Petrov go on a trip to the regions. (imdb)
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Destiny (2023) - Season 3, Episode 9
Catherine orders Grigor to hide out in the forest with Paul and plays a dangerous game with herself to prove that her destiny lies in Russia, while grappling with the impact Peter's decisions have on her rule. (imdb)
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Once Upon a Time
Once Upon a Time (2023) - Season 3, Episode 10
Court scientist Nikolai announces a comet is about to pass Russia, a phenomenon Catherine uses to her advantage while unearthing a new side of her leadership in the face of some huge challenges. (imdb)
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