The Facts of Life

The Facts of Life : Episode List

A group of girls attending a boarding school experience the joys and the trials of adolescence under the guiding hand of housemother Edna Garrett. Later in the series, Mrs. Garrett is promoted to school dietician, and four of the girls move into new quarters above the cafeteria. Eventually she leaves the school and opens her own business, with help from her girls. (imdb)

Seasons: 1, Episodes: 2

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Rough Housing
Rough Housing (1979) - Season 1, Episode 1
Cindy decides not to attend the Harvest Ball when Blair intimates that because of her tomboyishness she might be a lesbian. (imdb)
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Like Mother, Like Daughter
Like Mother, Like Daughter (1979) - Season 1, Episode 2
Blair fears she will get a reputation for being "easy" because her multiple-divorce' mother is caught flirting with another student's married father. (imdb)
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