The Civil War

The Civil War : Episode List

A comprehensive survey of the American Civil War. (imdb)

Seasons: 1, Episodes: 4

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The Cause: 1861
The Cause: 1861 (1990) - Season 1, Episode 1
In July 1861, the first battle of the war took place at Manassas, Virginia just across the Potomac from Washington. It proved to be a disaster for the North. (imdb)
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A Very Bloody Affair: 1862
A Very Bloody Affair: 1862 (1990) - Season 1, Episode 2
By 1862, both sides had 1 million men in uniform across a 1000 mile battle front ranging from Manassas, Virginia to Missouri. Battles had taken a horrendous toll in human lives on both sides. Lincoln and his Cabinet were frustrated by the slow pace of the war and with Gen. George B. McClellan who apparently did not want to engage the enemy. (imdb)
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Forever Free: 1862
Forever Free: 1862 (1990) - Season 1, Episode 3
While Gen. McClellan sat outside Richmond, three Union armies were being kept occupied by Stonewall Jackson and J.E.B. Stuart in northwestern Virginia. Lee was named commander of the army of Northern Virginia and immediately seized the initiative and attacked McClellan at Mechanicsville. Growing increasingly frustrated at McClellan's lack of progress, Lincoln visited him on the battlefield. (imdb)
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Simply Murder: 1863
Simply Murder: 1863 (1990) - Season 1, Episode 4
By early 1863, Union soldiers with the Army of the Potomac had not been paid for 6 months and supplies were thin. Some 200 men were deserting every day and by January one-quarter of the men were AWOL. Gen. Ambrose Burnside, the new Union commander, wanted to take Fredericksburg but delays in getting the pontoon boats to cross the Rappahannock river allowed Lee to amass 75,000 men. The Union army was blown away and 9,000 men were killed. (imdb)
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