The Big Valley

The Big Valley : Episode List

Victoria Barkley heads her adult brood on the Barkley Ranch in California's San Joaquin Valley, near Stockton, in the 1870s. Heath is the illegitimate son of Victoria's husband, Tom (who is dead at the time of the series). Bank robbers, horse thieves, revolutionaries, and land grabbers keep the Barkleys hopping.

Seasons: 4, Episodes: 12

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Run of the Cat
Run of the Cat (1968) - Season 4, Episode 4
A bloodthirsty cougar is killing stock and mauls Nick. The Barkley's hire a professional to kill the cat but Nick can't resist the hunt.
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Joshua Watson
Joshua Watson (1969) - Season 4, Episode 14
The once friendly annual rodeo between the Barkley and Morton ranches has become a nasty, win-at-all-costs event. An ex-slave "super cowboy" raises the stakes when he agrees to compete for the Barkleys.
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The Royal Road
The Royal Road (1969) - Season 4, Episode 19
Jarrod is guardian to a rebellious teenage girl who becomes interested in a Prince visiting from India. The "Prince" has a heavy handed aide who arouses the suspicions of Heath when a local woman he knew is found murdered.
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