Studio One in Hollywood

Studio One in Hollywood : Episode List

A pinnacle of the Golden Age of Television, "Studio One" presented a wide range of memorable dramas and received eighteen Emmy nominations and five wins during its prestigious nine-year run on CBS. Showcasing some of the greatest talents of the era, this groundbreaking series created an enormous impact, and still remains a treasured part of America's broadcasting history.

Seasons: 3, Episodes: 3

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You've rated 0 of 1 episodes in Season 7
Twelve Angry Men
Twelve Angry Men (1954) - Season 7, Episode 1
The jurors in a murder trial take their seats in a small, drab room to decide the defendant's fate. At first, all the men vote guilty bar one, who still has many questions not answered in court. Through theories and re-enactments, others change their minds, but one man is adamant that he'll never change his vote and won't listen to reason. (Western One)
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