Strike Back
Strike Back
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Strike Back

Strike Back

2010 - 2020
Drama, Suspense/Thriller
TV Series
The actions of 'Section 20', a secretive unit of British military intelligence. A team of special operations personnel conduct several high risk missions throughout the globe. (imdb)

Strike Back

2010 - 2020
Drama, Suspense/Thriller
TV Series
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 61.03% from 51 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 24 Sep 2017
It's like someone wrote a parody of big dumb action movies, then someone else shot the script word for word without realizing it was a parody
Rated 02 Oct 2024
Phenomenal action TV Series. I like Banshee a lot that's why I researched and found. It's worth watching. True gems are sometimes hidden and aren't popular.
Rated 24 Jun 2021
75 For the first season only
Rated 24 Dec 2020
S1 (UK): 63 - S2-5 (Cinemax): 76 - If you ever lamented the loss of 80s-90s action films with their fun and likable protagonists and lines, basic yet efficient plots, unrealistic yet adrenaline pumping gunfights, Strike Back (Cinemax) is what you were looking for! Not an easy task: could have easily turned out as a bore (UK S1) or a parody. With lots of sex scenes to boot. Compared to Banshee, action choregraphy is not as varied. And the sex scenes are less stimulating. But the plot makes sense.
Rated 01 Jun 2020
A bad story coupled with some of the worst savior-complex I have ever seen.
Rated 13 Oct 2015
One character is pretty much James Bond, the other is pretty much an 80s American action hero, together they team up and go on action movie adventures. It can be entertaining, though I did drift away from it before the end. Plenty of nudity, which doesn't hurt.
Rated 10 Oct 2015
You know how "Walking Dead" is basically a super long zombie movie? This show is a super long Arnold Schwarzenegger movie. It's got surprisingly good action choreography and it does the "invincible protagonist" thing very well. I'm surprised this show isn't more well-known. It's solid if you like action movies.


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