Shin Tetsujin 28

Shin Tetsujin 28 : Episode List

Shotaro Kaneda is a young boy whose dead scientist father created the giant robot Tetsujin 28 after realizing the chances of attacks from outer galaxies. Shotaro has possession of the only controller, kept in an attache case, which enables him to have direct command of the all mighty Tetsujin 28. If the controller goes into the hands of the enemy, this could lead Tetsujin 28 to fight for villains who want to destroy The Earth. Whenever peace in this world is threaten ... (animenewsnetwork)

Seasons: 1, Episodes: 51

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The Plot to Steal the Sun
The Plot to Steal the Sun (1980) - Season 1, Episode 1
(Japanese: 太陽の使者!鉄人28号)
Your probable score
Hands of the Enemy
Hands of the Enemy (1980) - Season 1, Episode 2
(Japanese: 奪われた鉄人!)
Your probable score
Deadly Doctor Doom
Deadly Doctor Doom (1980) - Season 1, Episode 3
(Japanese: 暴走特急をとめろ!)
Your probable score
The Robot Birdman
The Robot Birdman (1980) - Season 1, Episode 4
(Japanese: 恐怖の怪鳥群団)
Your probable score
The Phantom Robot
The Phantom Robot (1980) - Season 1, Episode 5
(Japanese: 謎の幽霊ロボット)
Your probable score
Monster of the Deep
Monster of the Deep (1980) - Season 1, Episode 6
(Japanese: エーゲ海の大怪獣!)
Your probable score
The Crashing Satellite
The Crashing Satellite (1980) - Season 1, Episode 7
(Japanese: 死を呼ぶ人工衛星)
Your probable score
The Dreaded Double Robot
The Dreaded Double Robot (1980) - Season 1, Episode 8
(Japanese: 恐怖の殺人合体ロボ)
Your probable score
Menace from Space
Menace from Space (1980) - Season 1, Episode 9
(Japanese: 鉄人対エイリアン!)
Your probable score
Bitter Revenge
Bitter Revenge (1980) - Season 1, Episode 10
(Japanese: 鉄人の弱点を見た!)
Your probable score
The Invisible Enemy
The Invisible Enemy (1980) - Season 1, Episode 11
(Japanese: 鉄人敗れる!)
Your probable score
The Robot Runners
The Robot Runners (1980) - Season 1, Episode 12
(Japanese: 鉄人対鉄人)
Your probable score
Will the Real Gigantor Please Stand Up?
(Japanese: 鉄人対正太郎)
Your probable score
The Abominable Iceman
The Abominable Iceman (1981) - Season 1, Episode 14
(Japanese: 北極の大決戦!)
Your probable score
The Dragon Master
The Dragon Master (1981) - Season 1, Episode 15
(Japanese: 怪!幻のドラゴン)
Your probable score
The Guardian of Evil
The Guardian of Evil (1981) - Season 1, Episode 16
(Japanese: 復讐ロボ・ギルダー)
Your probable score
The Manta Marauders
The Manta Marauders (1981) - Season 1, Episode 17
(Japanese: でた!南海の大魔神)
Your probable score
The Pirate Submarine
The Pirate Submarine (1981) - Season 1, Episode 18
(Japanese: 巨大戦艦をたたけ!)
Your probable score
The Sting of the Scorpion
The Sting of the Scorpion (1981) - Season 1, Episode 19
(Japanese: 地獄のサファリ・パニック!)
Your probable score
The Fearsome Pharaoh
The Fearsome Pharaoh (1981) - Season 1, Episode 20
(Japanese: 大破壊!スフィンクスロボ)
Your probable score
The Shrinking Ray
The Shrinking Ray (1981) - Season 1, Episode 21
(Japanese: 恐るべきワナを打ちやぶれ!)
Your probable score
Kid Warriors
Kid Warriors (1981) - Season 1, Episode 22
(Japanese: ピンチ!たたかえない鉄人)
Your probable score
Red Devil
Red Devil (1981) - Season 1, Episode 23
(Japanese: 激突!鉄人対ふくしゅう鬼)
Your probable score
The Fiery Robosaurus
The Fiery Robosaurus (1981) - Season 1, Episode 24
(Japanese: 正太郎、宇宙からの大逆転!)
Your probable score
Invaders from Space
Invaders from Space (1981) - Season 1, Episode 25
(Japanese: 宇宙魔王現る!)
Your probable score
The Master of Space
The Master of Space (1981) - Season 1, Episode 26
(Japanese: ブランチの最期)
Your probable score
The Great Garkonga
The Great Garkonga (1981) - Season 1, Episode 27
(Japanese: キングコング対鉄人)
Your probable score
The Pritheum Plot
The Pritheum Plot (1981) - Season 1, Episode 28
(Japanese: 強敵!カンフーロボ)
Your probable score
The Crusader Robot
The Crusader Robot (1981) - Season 1, Episode 29
(Japanese: ギネスブックへの挑戦)
Your probable score
The Scheme to Scorch the West
The Scheme to Scorch the West (1981) - Season 1, Episode 30
(Japanese: 決死のニトロ輸送!!)
Your probable score
The Doomsday Comet
The Doomsday Comet (1981) - Season 1, Episode 31
(Japanese: 要塞彗星の襲撃!)
Your probable score
The Thunder God
The Thunder God (1981) - Season 1, Episode 32
(Japanese: 死闘!白夜の対決)
Your probable score
The Final Battle
The Final Battle (1981) - Season 1, Episode 33
(Japanese: 破壊された鉄人!)
Your probable score
The Robot Who Could Think
The Robot Who Could Think (1981) - Season 1, Episode 34
(Japanese: 最大の敵!ブラックオックス)
Your probable score
Blue Danger
Blue Danger (1981) - Season 1, Episode 35
(Japanese: 鉄人をとりもどせ!)
Your probable score
Robot on a Rampage
Robot on a Rampage (1981) - Season 1, Episode 36
(Japanese: 宿命の対決!鉄人対オックス)
Your probable score
The Awesome Alpha-Bot
The Awesome Alpha-Bot (1981) - Season 1, Episode 37
(Japanese: 伝説の巨人・鉄人28号)
Your probable score
Fall from the Sky
Fall from the Sky (1981) - Season 1, Episode 38
(Japanese: ㊙(まるひ)指令!コンボイ作戦)
Your probable score
The Boy from Second Earth
The Boy from Second Earth (1981) - Season 1, Episode 39
(Japanese: 魔獣王子めざめる!)
Your probable score
The Black Hole
The Black Hole (1981) - Season 1, Episode 40
(Japanese: 見た!魔王の正体)
Your probable score
The Queen of Time
The Queen of Time (1981) - Season 1, Episode 41
(Japanese: 鉄人が消えた!?)
Your probable score
The Curse of Dracula
The Curse of Dracula (1981) - Season 1, Episode 42
(Japanese: スリラーシリーズI 怪奇! ドラキュラのたたり)
Your probable score
Z is for Zombie
Z is for Zombie (1981) - Season 1, Episode 43
(Japanese: スリラーシリーズII 死神ゾンビに呪われた鉄人)
Your probable score
The Ghastly Ghost
The Ghastly Ghost (1981) - Season 1, Episode 44
(Japanese: スリラーシリーズIII 幽霊の正体をあばけ!)
Your probable score
Skeemer's Demons (1981) - Season 1, Episode 45
(Japanese: 暴走!地獄の天使)
Your probable score
Trapped in the Past
Trapped in the Past (1981) - Season 1, Episode 46
(Japanese: 鉄人の不思議な旅)
Your probable score
Gigantor for Sale
Gigantor for Sale (1981) - Season 1, Episode 47
(Japanese: 鉄人売ります!)
Your probable score
The Space Fortress
The Space Fortress (1981) - Season 1, Episode 48
(Japanese: 地球最大のピンチ!)
Your probable score
The Friend Turned Enemy
The Friend Turned Enemy (1981) - Season 1, Episode 49
(Japanese: さらば!ブラックオックス)
Your probable score
The Battle to Save the Earth
The Battle to Save the Earth (1981) - Season 1, Episode 50
(Japanese: グーラ王子死す!)
Your probable score
The Sun That Never Shines
The Sun That Never Shines (1981) - Season 1, Episode 51
(Japanese: 銀河の王者!鉄人28号)
Your probable score