Disney Plus
Secret Invasion
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Secret Invasion

TV Mini-Series
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Avg Percentile 23.65% from 174 total ratings

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Rated 02 Aug 2023
More terribly-written slop from the MCU, a franchise now way past its sell-by date. This one stings more than usual because it wastes both its stellar cast and its awesome source material. InFuryating.
Rated 21 Jun 2023
The concept relies heavily on twists and turns, but none of that works if you aren't invested in the characters, and no effort went into making that possible. None of the actors are trying very hard, their scripts are dull and generic, and the shots are just so visually dull. My interest in the MCU is long gone at this point.
Rated 13 Jul 2023
There's something really off with the pacing and tone here. There's no sense of paranoia or mystery about who is a skrull and who isn't, no excitement when one is revealed. Action scenes are especially badly edited and staged (the pointless low energy 'John Wick' shootout and then later the presidential convoy ambush). The main villain just looks sort of goofy instead of threatening. All the other actors are good though. AI generated title sequence is boring after watching once.
Rated 26 Jul 2023
Started off strong but ended on a very lackluster note. The last three episodes barely combined to make 90 minutes. It was a let down after the intense start this series had. It was very jarring from start to finish. The finale action sequences were very boring and the CG looked rushed and out of place. I expected more as we are 15 years into the MCU at this point. If this is the best Marvel has in the tank at this point I think a creative shift may be in order.
Rated 22 Jun 2023
I’m noping out after the first episode. There’s no way something this poorly written and executed can come back on track. A shame, all things considered.
Rated 15 Aug 2023
Thhhhrrrrrrrppppppppp. What a waste of talent and cast. Marvel does a spy paranoia thriller, which is so grounded it ends with two equally powered people having a punch up and beam clashing. A real let down, it feels weightless but there are huge inadvertent implications for the rest of the MCU. At least Olivia Colman is good, more of her please.
Rated 02 Aug 2023
Should have been a movie fueled by the Anyone-in-the-Marvel-universe-could-be-a-shapeshifting-alien paranoia of the comics
Rated 17 Jul 2023
Getting a bit tired of marvel universe. I'm also not too fond of the direction Fury's character is going. Who wrote this childish crap?
Rated 24 Jun 2023
not the old fury any more, just a fury that's old.
Rated 26 Jul 2023
Underwhelming. None of the characters are interesting, everyone's motivations are cartoonishly villanous or pure with no inbetween, and the "final fight" scene is one of the stupidest things I've seen in Marvel content. What a miss.
Rated 27 Jul 2023
I didn't care about anyone or anything that happened for a second. Do I have "superhero fatigue"?
Rated 27 Jul 2023
I’m giving it a lot (a lot!) of leeway as I liked the cast, many of the performances & elements of the story, but Secret Invasion seems to be a clear example of the growing lack of cohesion & foresight in plotting the MCU. This completely unravels the closer it gets to a near farcical final episode. Time for Disney to seriously think about if the mini-series format really provides the MCU any benefit, both artistically and commercially, because the repeatedly indications are that it does not.
Rated 24 Jul 2023
Boring, bad timing with plot involving Russia.
Rated 04 Aug 2023
It started off OK, I was a bit intrigued, but it quickly wallows in its own filth and I just stopped caring. I don't care about the Skrulls plight, for whatever reason. I was interested to see a bit more of the world politics with supes at play, but that was fleeting. Its not terrible, it just kinda left me , meh.
Rated 04 Aug 2023
While I would love to see Clarke replace the smugly Woke Larson as Captain Marvel this thing deteriorated into more Woke lessons rapidly. The second episode had 2 real surprises, but they were instantly undone in the next episode. So, we're left w/ more subtextual lessons for the young: pure-hearted refugees only do bad things because they are treated unfairly but Americans can't stop being racist; AND if hero Fury can love & make out w/ a REPTILE, then, surely you & a transperson can get it on.
Rated 08 Aug 2023
My first yellow rating on Criticker given to an MCU project. This seemed like an easy hit, and it has a lot of things working in its favor, but it really fumbled hard. The good: great acting (Jackson, Colman, Mendelsohn, Cheadle), refreshing tone, Talos and Sonya are a lot of fun. The bad: pacing, writing, wasting Maria Hill AGAIN, baffling creative decisions in Ep 1 & 4 (overall I feel like I would’ve preferred if the events of this show didn’t happen at all). Watchable, but a big let down.
Rated 10 Aug 2023
This has a worse raiting on here then most marvel productions. thats not really justified. its as stupid and uncreative as other marvel movies, but its not really worse. passes the time if you dont value the evening especially.
Rated 30 Aug 2023
I don't know what went wrong with this show. It had all the right pieces, but the direction was just god awful. Every actor in this series looked like they were miserable, and the story just got boring most of the time. There wasn't even enough action or occasional light moments to balance out the misery. I did however mostly enjoy the finale. It's too bad, because I know the actors involved in this did care, it's just the direction and editing did them horribly. A waste of this brilliant cast .
Rated 10 Oct 2023
Rightfully reviled by the MCU community. It starts off strong, but it's an incongruent mess that doesn't know what type of show it wants to be. I liked that it wanted to take Marvel in a darker and more mature direction, but by the finale, the show has fallen back onto familiar crutches of bad CGI fights and convenient endings. Samuel L Jackson pulls more than his own weight here and he truly had some great moments that I wish were part of a better overall series. Just a big letdown.
Rated 25 Nov 2023
I don't quite get the hate for this show. It felt like it fit the MCU pretty well. A plot that doesn't really follow the comic counterpart, villains that fail to really impress, and a resolution that leaves possibilities open for the future. This wasn't my favorite, but it wasn't the worst either. The tone is kind of bleak, Maria Hill is tragically wasted here, and the ending felt off. I found it entertaining, but not profound which is pretty much the MCU in a nutshell.
Rated 29 Dec 2023
I found some enjoyment in this but is a likely the worst MCU series.
Rated 30 Dec 2023
Another boring run-of-the-mill MCU series that fails to explain why the obvious solution of more powerful (or interesting) heroes is not applicable.
Rated 03 Feb 2024
worth a watch


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