Otoko to Otoko no Taiman Shoubu! Masaru tai Suguru
Otoko to Otoko no Taiman Shoubu! Masaru tai Suguru
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Otoko to Otoko no Taiman Shoubu! Masaru tai Suguru

Otoko to Otoko no Taiman Shoubu! Masaru tai Suguru

Digimon Savers - Season: 1, Episode: 45 - All Episodes
The DATS team climb King Drasil's headquarters, confronting odd crystals that repel their attacks. Leaving the others behind, Marcus, Agumon, and Gotsumon confront King Drasil. Meanwhile, Craniamon heads to the real world and confronts Garudamon and Kristy, who end up helping him out. Back in the Digital World, Marcus confronts King Drasil but is repelled by a force field. It is then that through the revelation of all his friends supporting him, Marcus overpowers King Drasil.

Otoko to Otoko no Taiman Shoubu! Masaru tai Suguru

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