One Step Beyond

One Step Beyond : Episode List

Produced at the same time as the more well-known Twilight Zone, this series fed the nation's growing interest in paranormal suspense in a different way. Rather than creating fictional stories with supernatural twists and turns, this program sought out 'real' stories of the supernatural, including ghosts, disappearances, monsters, etc., and re-creating them for each episode. No solutions to these mysteries were ever found, and viewers could only scratch their heads and wonder, "what if it's real?

Seasons: 3, Episodes: 51

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Tidalwave (1960) - Season 3, Episode 1
A tidal wave (tsunami) is coming to Hawaii. A woman who barely walks, confined mostly to a wheel chair, hears the sirens warning of the approaching tsunami, but cannot evacuate, and there is nobody nearby to help her, nobody to hear her cries for help. Meanwhile, a deaf man driving his car cannot hear the sirens, and sees no evidence of an evacuation. How can either be saved? Fate provides the answer to that question, as it has the man drive past the woman's house.
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Anniversary of a Murder
Anniversary of a Murder (1960) - Season 3, Episode 2
A married businessman is having a secret affair, and one night while he's driving home drunk from a rendezvous with his mistress, he runs over and kills a young boy. No one saw him so he believes he got away with it, but soon he is astonished to hear what he believes to be his victim's voice on his dictaphone.
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The Death Waltz
The Death Waltz (1960) - Season 3, Episode 3
At a cavalry outpost in 1860s New Mexico, flirtatious, heartless Lillie takes great delight in playing her two beaus, decent Eustace Fairchild and the sexier, more dashing Henry Buchanan off against each other. Eustace is killed by Apaches but Lillie still goes to the dance with Henry. However Eustace's ghost turns up for what will be the last waltz for both him and Lillie.
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The Return
The Return (1960) - Season 3, Episode 4
On patrol during the Korean war young corporal Fred Cossage gets separated from the rest of his unit who, after a fruitless search for him, give him up as dead and return behind their own lines. But Cossage is still alive and, despite being blinded and severely wounded, is able via psychic help to make a return.
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If You See Sally
If You See Sally (1960) - Season 3, Episode 5
Pa Ellis blames his daughter Sally following the accidental death of her brother Paul and she moves to the city but Pa relents and asks her to come home. Sally sets out to hitch-hike and is caught up in a terrible storm and killed. However, over the following years many drivers on the road where Sally perished see her ghost thumbing lifts and some pick her up though she never makes it back home.
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Moment of Hate
Moment of Hate (1960) - Season 3, Episode 6
A successful but driven businesswoman, Karen Wadsworth, is convinced that she can make her thoughts become reality. She soon begins to believe that she can use the power of suggestion and turn it into the power to kill.
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To Know the End
To Know the End (1960) - Season 3, Episode 7
Emily MacDougall, a young woman living in England during World War II, begins to have strange hallucinations of death and destruction. What she doesn't realize is that her visions may threaten not only the man who is closest to her, but the entire country as well.
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The Trap
The Trap (1960) - Season 3, Episode 8
A young man discovers a strange parallel universe with dangerous repercussions.
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The Voice
The Voice (1960) - Season 3, Episode 9
Young reporter Jared Corning travels to a small New England town to cover the trial of several local people accused of setting fire to a barn owned by unpopular Tom Goss. Jared finds it hard to believe that their aim was to kill a pet raccoon owned by Goss's daughter, but even harder to withstand the small, disembodied voice that tells him to start another fire.
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The Promise
The Promise (1960) - Season 3, Episode 10
Following the Second World War German ex-prisoner of war Carl Bremer remains in London, working on bomb disposal units. He marries a local woman and she is about to give birth to their child when Carl, against his wife's wishes, goes on one last, fatal mission - though he is still seen at the hospital gazing proudly at his new-born child.
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Tonight at 12:17
Tonight at 12:17 (1960) - Season 3, Episode 11
Laura Perkins is expecting a baby, and the pregnancy is worrying her. She is soon shocked to discover, however, that her condition has resulted in her having extraordinary psychic powers. She determines to use these new powers to save the life of her unborn child.
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Where Are They?
Where Are They? (1960) - Season 3, Episode 12
In 1922 the town of Chico, California was pelted by rocks falling from an empty sky. A writer who called himself The Ghost took credit for the phenomena, but was never identified. Similarly, in 1917 a stranger appeared to government officials in Washington, D. C. and demonstrated a new fuel made from water that could power an auto engine. After his successful exhibition, the stranger vanished as quickly as he had appeared. The FBI and Secret Service searched for months and could never find him.
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