Monkey Magic
Monkey Magic
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Monkey Magic

Monkey Magic

1998 - 1998
Family/Kids, Adventure
TV Series
An asteroid lands on earth with a baby monkey inside. His super hard head helps him become the leader of the monkeys. When they start overthrowing the humans because of him, the Gods send one of their warriors to keep the balance in check. The God crushes him so he decides to go on a journey to train and gain divine power. All the while an evil minion of a satan-esque character helps nurture the monkey's selfish and evil ways, hoping he will destroy the Gods for them. (Summary by War Machine)

Monkey Magic

1998 - 1998
Family/Kids, Adventure
TV Series
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 57.59% from 2 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 10 May 2017
I loved it when I was a kid. Still do for most of it and the music. It's like if goku was more like krillin and vegeta. I'm glad they didn't get to continue ruining it like they were in the last 4ish episodes. I'll have to write my own fanfiction on how it shoulda went, like destroying the gods, maybe teaming with void to beat the guardian somehow. Love his inescapable reach. was 82. RW 85. liked the end this time and want more lol


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