Mezame yo Agumon - Berufemon o Taose!
Mezame yo Agumon - Berufemon o Taose!
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Mezame yo Agumon - Berufemon o Taose!

Mezame yo Agumon - Berufemon o Taose!

Digimon Savers - Season: 1, Episode: 37 - All Episodes
The DATS team continues the fight against Kurata, who has merged himself with Belphemon Rage Mode, but the battle is going badly. From inside Belphemon, Kurata sneers and tells DATS that Digimon are lifeless bits of data without hearts or feelings. This enrages Keenan, and unlocks the power of his DNA charge. Falcomon digivolves to his Mega form Ravemon, but it is still not enough to stop Belphemon, whose true instincts emerge.

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