Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver : Episode List

Former Daily Show Correspondent John Oliver brings his persona to this new weekly news satire program. (imdb)

Seasons: 6, Episodes: 150

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Marketing to Doctors
Marketing to Doctors (2015) - Season 2, Episode 1
John Oliver discusses the growing issues of pharmaceutical companies marketing directly to and through doctors. (imdb)
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Tobacco (2015) - Season 2, Episode 2
John riffs on Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa, '50 Shades of Grey', and the unethical legal practices of tobacco company Phillip Morris International. (imdb)
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Judicial Elections
Judicial Elections (2015) - Season 2, Episode 3
John discusses United Kingdom general elections, judicial elections, and the Chinese New Year. (imdb)
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Infrastructure (2015) - Season 2, Episode 4
John demonstrates the importance of infrastructure with a trailer for a movie thriller about civil engineering, starring Edward Norton, Vincent D'Onofrio, and Steve Buscemi. He also discusses Boris Nemstov. (imdb)
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U.S. Territories
U.S. Territories (2015) - Season 2, Episode 5
John Oliver discusses a Fanta controversy in Germany, citizenship grievances for those in U.S. territories, and cigarette packaging. (imdb)
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The NCAA (2015) - Season 2, Episode 6
The NCAA doesn't pay students athletes because they are considered to be amateurs. They are considered to be amateurs because they don't get paid. (imdb)
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Municipal Violations
Municipal Violations (2015) - Season 2, Episode 7
If you have money, committing a municipal violation may pose you a minor inconvenience. If you don't, it can ruin your life. (imdb)
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Government Surveillance
Government Surveillance (2015) - Season 2, Episode 8
John heads to Russia to interview Edward Snowden as part of a segment on government surveillance. (imdb)
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IRS (2015) - Season 2, Episode 9
John discusses the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), with a special appearance from Michael Bolton. (imdb)
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Patents (2015) - Season 2, Episode 10
John discusses patents, Earth Day, and doomsday, with a special appearance from Martin Sheen. (imdb)
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Fashion (2015) - Season 2, Episode 11
John Oliver explores the concept of changing and cheap fashion and some of the ugliest truths of the manufacturing process. (imdb)
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Standardised Testing
Standardised Testing (2015) - Season 2, Episode 12
John discusses standardized testing. (imdb)
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Paid Family Leave
Paid Family Leave (2015) - Season 2, Episode 13
John discusses Victory Day in Russia, paid parental leave, and Japanese government mascots. (imdb)
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Chickens (2015) - Season 2, Episode 14
John discusses chicken farming. (imdb)
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FIFA (2015) - Season 2, Episode 15
John discusses the 2015 FIFA corruption case. (imdb)
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Bail (2015) - Season 2, Episode 16
John explains why America's bail system is better for the reality TV industry than it is for the justice system. (imdb)
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Torture (2015) - Season 2, Episode 17
John discusses the 2015 European Games, the Canadian Senate expenses scandal, and torture with the voice of special guest Helen Mirren. (imdb)
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The Internet
The Internet (2015) - Season 2, Episode 18
Online harassment is a major problem, but it is rarely prosecuted. If only we'd been warned about this in the early days of the internet. (imdb)
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Transgender Rights
Transgender Rights (2015) - Season 2, Episode 19
John discusses US Supreme Court decisions on gay marriage and Obamacre, former President of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych, transgender rights and leap second. (imdb)
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Stadiums (2015) - Season 2, Episode 20
John discusses how taxpayer money is funding private sports stadiums. (imdb)
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Food Waste
Food Waste (2015) - Season 2, Episode 21
Iran nuclear treaty; El Chapo prison escape; North Korea hosting Laibach band; food waste. (imdb)
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Mandatory Minimums
Mandatory Minimums (2015) - Season 2, Episode 22
John explains why mandatory minimum sentences, especially for drug-related crimes, are in desperate need of reform. (imdb)
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District of Columbia
District of Columbia (2015) - Season 2, Episode 23
John explains why Washington, D.C. deserves to be the 51st state - or at least get full voting rights in Congress. (imdb)
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Sex Ed
Sex Ed (2015) - Season 2, Episode 24
Sex education in America; GOP Debate; India's short-lived porn-site ban; overpricing at Whole Foods. (imdb)
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Church (2015) - Season 2, Episode 25
John discusses predatory churches and TV evangelism, the raising of the American flag in Cuba, the redesign of New Zealand's flag, and President Harding's illegitimate child. (imdb)
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LGBT Anti-Discrimination
LGBT Anti-Discrimination (2015) - Season 2, Episode 26
Despite the victory for marriage equality this summer, there is a long way to go to end LGBT discrimination, as John explains. (imdb)
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Public Defenders
Public Defenders (2015) - Season 2, Episode 27
John talks about problems concerning public defenders in the American Judicial system, a Michigan state legislature scandal, Guatemala's unusual election, and Queen Elizabeth II and delivers a message from the Lady of Perpetual Exemption. (imdb)
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Migrants and Refugees
Migrants and Refugees (2015) - Season 2, Episode 28
John talks about Pope Francis visiting the USA and the immigration crisis in Europe. (imdb)
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Mental Health
Mental Health (2015) - Season 2, Episode 29
John discusses Russia's involvement in Syria, the U.N. General Assembly, and the problems with the national system for treating mental illness. (imdb)
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North Dakota
North Dakota (2015) - Season 2, Episode 30
John takes a look at the harmful effects of the oil boom in North Dakota. (imdb)
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Canada (2015) - Season 2, Episode 31
John discusses the upcoming Canadian election and urges Canadians not to vote for Stephen Harper. (imdb)
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Medicaid Gap
Medicaid Gap (2015) - Season 2, Episode 32
Main story: Election 2015 and the Medicaid Gap; plus, China & Kenny G.; Syria peace talks; 'Star Wars' impact on Ukraine elections; United Kingdom tax credit vote. (imdb)
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Prisoner Re-Entry
Prisoner Re-Entry (2015) - Season 2, Episode 33
United Kingdom proposed online mass surveillance law, Veterans Day, Washington Redskin trademark, Prisoner Reentry. Interview with Bilal Chapman. (imdb)
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Daily Fantasy Sports
Daily Fantasy Sports (2015) - Season 2, Episode 34
John talks about the recent Paris attacks, China's Singles Day, the Koh-i-Noor diamond and Daily Fantasy Sports. (imdb)
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Pennies (2015) - Season 2, Episode 35
John reflects about the Paris attacks aftermath and how useless the U.S. penny is. (imdb)
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