Kiseki o Yobu Utagoe - Rairamon Shinka
Kiseki o Yobu Utagoe - Rairamon Shinka
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Kiseki o Yobu Utagoe - Rairamon Shinka

Kiseki o Yobu Utagoe - Rairamon Shinka

Digimon Savers - Season: 1, Episode: 17 - All Episodes
Yoshi has lost her battle confidence, feeling like she's always dragging down her companions. The group is caught up in an avalanche caused by Mammothmon, and Yoshi, Thomas, and Lalamon fall down to the bottom of a valley. To protect Yoshi and the wounded Thomas, Lalamon faces off against Mammothmon, not losing her fighting spirit. Yoshi swirls in despair until Lalamon sings a song to tame the beast that triggers an old memory from Yoshi's childhood of the time she and Lalamon met.

Kiseki o Yobu Utagoe - Rairamon Shinka

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