Keeping Up Appearances

Keeping Up Appearances : Episode List

A snobbish housewife is determined to climb the social ladder, in spite of her family's working class connections and the constant chagrin of her long suffering husband. (imdb)

Seasons: 2, Episodes: 13

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A Strange Man
A Strange Man (1991) - Season 2, Episode 1
Hyacinth is appalled when she spots a strange man wrapped in only a towel exiting Elizabeth's house next door. Convinced that it is her moral duty to save her friend from this scandalous behavior, Hyacinth begins to plot ways of flushing the man out. (imdb)
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Driving Mrs Fortescue
Driving Mrs Fortescue (1991) - Season 2, Episode 2
After Hyacinth subjected Elizabeth to her strict standards of appropriate garment length and instructing Richard how to smile, the spouses pick up hard-of-hearing old Mrs. Fortescue to go for a drive. Hyacinth would have ignored her sisters hitching a lift, but the old lady, who declined a seat in the front, insists they squeeze the common pair in at the back seat with her. (imdb)
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The Candlelight Supper
The Candlelight Supper (1991) - Season 2, Episode 3
Hyacinth immerses herself in preparations for her next candlelight supper. She invites Elizabeth and Emmet in the hopes of securing a key role in Emmet's Amateur Operatics Society. (imdb)
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Golfing with the Major
Golfing with the Major (1991) - Season 2, Episode 4
The Bucket's are invited by "the Major" to spend a weekend at a country golf club. (imdb)
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Problems with Relatives
Problems with Relatives (1991) - Season 2, Episode 5
When Daisy and Onslow inform Hyacinth that Daddy has disappeared, Hyacinth is most upset. She heads out in a search to find her father, who has decided to get married. (imdb)
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Onslow's Birthday (1991) - Season 2, Episode 6
Hyacinth is less than pleased when she and Richard are invited to Onslow's birthday party. But matters improve for Hyacinth when she discovers that they will be picked up by Rose's new wealthy boyfriend. (imdb)
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Singing for Emmet
Singing for Emmet (1991) - Season 2, Episode 7
Richard is shocked when he is offered the prospect of early retirement. But shock soon turns to worry when he realizes that this proposition would mean spending all his time with Hyacinth. (imdb)
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