Kamen Rider Saber

Kamen Rider Saber : Episode List

Novelist Touma Kamiyama's childhood memories are fragmented. He dreams of a swordsman fighting a great battle, and a girl who disappeared... Suddenly, part of the city disappears, swallowed up by a great book, and Touma discovers that his destiny overlaps with the Sacred Swordsmen who protect the Wonder Ride Books! Taking up the Sacred Sword of the man who protected him so long ago, Touma becomes the Flame Swordsman, Kamen Rider Saber! (Ununnilium)

Seasons: 1, Episodes: 48

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First, There is a Flame Swordsman.
A young writer possessing a strange book comes face-to-face with a monster using books for evil.
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The Water Swordsman, and a Blue Lion.
A man with a blue lion arrives and takes Touma to a place filled with books.
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A Father, and a Swordsman.
A Father, and a Swordsman. (2020) - Season 1, Episode 3
Touma is reunited with an old friend when he meets a member of the Sword of Logos who is also a father.
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I Opened the Book, Therefore.
I Opened the Book, Therefore. (2020) - Season 1, Episode 4
Ryou wonders why Touma is so obsessed with keeping promises as they try to figure out how to save Sora.
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My Friend, the Thunder Swordsman.
Kento struggles with his father's demons and wanting to talk to Touma.
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Like the Wind, He Arrives.
Like the Wind, He Arrives. (2020) - Season 1, Episode 6
Touma meets a swordsman who favors strength over wits, and also a new foe that locks his sword from being used.
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The Sword of the King, Lies in Avalon.
Rintarou trains to avenge his master as Touma heads to Avalon to fix his sword.
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The One That Is Sealed Is, Arthur.
Ryou is turned to stone during a battle, leaving the other swordsmen to stop Medusa without him.
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Overlapping, the Sound Swordsman.
Touma learns that everyone has their own role to play as he must wait for Daishinji to finish maintaining his new Wonder Ride Book.
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Crossing Swords, and Crossing Feelings.
A woman from the southern base gives a Wonder Ride Book to Kento, who makes an oath with Touma and Rintarou.
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Disturbed Thunder, Spreading Dark Clouds.
Kento is determined to find Calibur and find out what happened to his father.
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The Promise, in that Place.
The Promise, in that Place. (2020) - Season 1, Episode 12
Rintarou is dealing with injuries from his prior battle and Ryou is worried that Kento is going to do something stupid.
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Will Stay True, To My Convictions.
In order to save Kento, Touma and Rintarou head out to fight Calibur.
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These Feelings, Dwell in this Blade.
While the swordsmen mourn Kento, Calibur reappears for another battle.
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Beyond the Resolution, and Beyond.
Calibur and Saber race for the Table of Contents as the rest of the swordsmen continue their battle.
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Saving the World, a Ray of Light.
The gang is preparing for a New Year's celebration when Touma gets an offer from the Southern Base.
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The Ancient Messenger, of Either Light or Shadow.
Touma is depressed from losing his companions while the Sword of Logos are torn on whether to trust Touma.
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The Flame\
Touma tries to find a way to save Yuki; Rintarou and Daishinji see Touma protecting a Megiddo.
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Flame and Light, Sword and Sword.
Touma meets a young man who likes building models; Daishinji wants to learn the true intent of Yuuri.
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To Destroy the Stronghold, the Will of the Sword.
Sword of Logos learns of people being turned into Megiddo and confront Touma for the swords in his possession.
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Shine the Best, Full Color.
Shine the Best, Full Color. (2021) - Season 1, Episode 21
Touma learns of people gone missing after seeing fantastical things; Yuuri want a normal form to fight with; Daishinji challenges Touma.
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Nevertheless, I Want to Save People.
Mei gets a call from the girl that Touma saved and the two discover that her sister is missing.
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Raging, Hand of Ruin.
Raging, Hand of Ruin. (2021) - Season 1, Episode 23
Touma and company plan to sneak into the Southern Base to meet with Master Logos.
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On My Father\
Ogami receives some needed advice from his son; Reika blatantly lies to the swordsman about Master Logos' words.
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Clad in Smoke, the Crimson Assassin.
Touma has a terrifying nightmare about Primitive Dragon; Mei talks with Rintarou as Reika heads to the Northern Base.
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Deep Darkness, With a Sword.
Deep Darkness, With a Sword. (2021) - Season 1, Episode 26
Kento is back and determined to seal all of the swords to stop the world from ending.
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Sorrow, Turn It Into a Smile.
Sorrow, Turn It Into a Smile. (2021) - Season 1, Episode 27
Touma trains with Primitive Dragon in order to save the boy in his visions.
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Writing the Past, Drawing the Future.
Mei is tasked to ask Touma about writing a sequel to one of his stories; Ren leaves the Sword of Logos to join with Kento.
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At That Moment, the Swordsman Made His Move.
Rintarou tells Mei that he's going to fight with Touma, but still has unfinished business at the Southern Base.
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Bonded, Even When Apart.
Bonded, Even When Apart. (2021) - Season 1, Episode 30
Everyone welcomes Rintarou back to the Northern Base when Mei suddenly goes missing!
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Believing in Strength, Strength Believed In.
An ashamed Rintaro flees from the Northern Base after failing to protect Mei from the Megids. Faced with the fear of losing his friend, Touma confronts the enemy alone to rescue her, but Zooous stands in his way to prevent him.
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My Thoughts, Crystallized.
My Thoughts, Crystallized. (2021) - Season 1, Episode 32
The barrier to the Northern Base has been breached, letting in members of both the Southern Base and the Megiddo.
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Still, the Future Can Change.
Still, the Future Can Change. (2021) - Season 1, Episode 33
Touma and Rintarou head out to retrieve Kento and Ren while Master Logos schemes to get the remaining swords.
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Wake Up, Immortal Swordsman.
Wake Up, Immortal Swordsman. (2021) - Season 1, Episode 34
In light of Luna appearing before Touma, Master Logos unleashes an old friend of Yuuri to ensure her capture.
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And I, Will Become a God.
And I, Will Become a God. (2021) - Season 1, Episode 35
Touma is reunited with Luna, but she is quickly taken away again.
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To Be Opened, the Omnipotent Power.
Master Logos declares himself God as he unveils a new book to fight Touma.
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Change the Future, Who?
Change the Future, Who? (2021) - Season 1, Episode 37
Touma learns that Kento plans to sacrifice himself to save the world; Yuuri takes Mei to try and change the mindset of his old friend.
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Uniting the Seiken, the Galaxy Sword.
Touma pleads for Kento to fight with the other swordsmen as they battle Master Logos.
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Hey Swordsmen, Follow the Path You Believe in.
Touma is able to win over Kento, but there is still unfinished business with Ren and Master Logos.
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Shining Friendship, the Three Swordsmen.
Tassel meets with Luna; Master Logos makes the swordsmen fight each other.
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For 2,000 Years, a Wish Spelled Out.
Tassel makes a visit to the Northern Base to fill Touma in on a few things.
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The Beginning, of a Beautiful End.
Touma learns he is slowly vanishing as a result of his increasing power as Saber, which aligns with one of Kento's visions. Despite this, the latter continues on, intending to determine his story's ending himself.
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Clash, the Value of Existence.
Clash, the Value of Existence. (2021) - Season 1, Episode 43
After killing Tassel and stealing his book, Storious restores the Tome of Omniscience and attempts to destroy Earth and Wonder World.
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Open, the Last Page.
Open, the Last Page. (2021) - Season 1, Episode 44
As Storious' evil plan is progressing, he kidnapped Luna in front of Touma and Kento. Sophia joins the rest of nine swordsmen as the fourth Calibur for a final battle.
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Ten Swordsmen, Betting the World.
As Storious' plan progresses and Wonder World and Earth collapse, the swordsmen are unexpectedly joined by Sophia as the latest Calibur as well as Luna and Mei.
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Goodbye, My Hero.
Goodbye, My Hero. (2021) - Season 1, Episode 46
Touma comes face-to-face with Storius as the other swordsmen participate in the fight of their lives.
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The End of the World, the Story that is Born.
The source of the swordsmen's power and the source of stories, the Wonder World, disappears, and as the stories vanish from the world so does the world itself.
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A New Page, Opens
A New Page, Opens (2021) - Season 1, Episode 48
After saving Earth and Wonder World together, Touma and his friends enjoy a well-deserved rest and begin to go their separate ways. However, their peaceful days are interrupted by another strange monster they have never encountered before along with a human and a demon who can also transform into Kamen Riders.
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