Johnny Bravo

Johnny Bravo : Episode List

Johnny Bravo, a muscular and boorish man who tries to get women to date him, though he is usually unsuccessful. He ends up in bizarre situations and predicaments, often accompanied by celebrity guest characters such as Adam West or Donny Osmond. Pop culture references and sly adult-oriented jokes comprise much of the show's humor. (

Seasons: 2, Episodes: 15

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Man with the Golden Gut/Welcome Back, Bravo/Aunt Katie\
Welcome Back Bravo: Johnny is forced to repeat 4th grade. The Man with the Golden Gut: Johnny's stomach becomes a big attraction. Aunt Katie's Farm: Johnny joins a TV show. (imdb)
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Buffoon Lagoon/Johnny Goes to Camp/A League of His Own
Buffoon Lagoon: Johnny is shipwrecked. Johnny Goes to Camp: Johnny accidentally goes to computer camp with Carl. A League of his Own: Johnny joins Mama's all-girl softball team. (imdb)
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