Inside No. 9

Inside No. 9 : Episode List

Inside No. 9 invites viewers into six very different No. 9s, where the ordinary and mundane rub shoulders with the extraordinary and macabre.These unpredictable tales feature high comedy and claustrophobic horror by turns.

Seasons: 9, Episodes: 54

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The Bones of St Nicholas
The Bones of St Nicholas (2022) - Season 8, Episode 1
In this Christmas Special, Dr Jasper Parkway has booked an overnight stay in a reputedly haunted church on Christmas Eve. He is joined by unwanted guests Pierce and Posy and eccentric church warden Dick who won't leave him alone. (imdb)
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Mother's Ruin (2023) - Season 8, Episode 2
East End villains Harry and Annie Blackwood were rotten to the core and did some truly horrible things when they were alive. What secrets did they take to their grave? Their sons plan to find out. (imdb)
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Paraskevidekatriaphobia (2023) - Season 8, Episode 3
Gareth is definitely going to be working from home today. Just to be on the safe side. He doesn't want to push his luck. Because today just happens to be Friday the 13th. (imdb)
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Love is a Stranger
Love is a Stranger (2023) - Season 8, Episode 4
You get to meet all sorts when you go online dating, as Vicky's about to find out. Will she finally meet her perfect match? Or will she be talking to the Lonely Hearts murderer? (imdb)
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3 by 3
3 by 3 (2023) - Season 8, Episode 5
Three threesomes compete for prizes in this general knowledge quiz presented by Lee Mack. (imdb)
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The Last Weekend
The Last Weekend (2023) - Season 8, Episode 6
Chas and Joe have been together for nine years. It's a long time to be truly in love with someone. But how long does it take to properly say goodbye? (imdb)
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