Half in the Bag

Half in the Bag : Episode List

A web series, in which two VCR repairmen, Mike and Jay, scam an elderly man out of his fortune by discussing movies while on the job, and occasionally go on eccentric misadventures.

Seasons: 14, Episodes: 220

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The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and 2011 Recap
Mike and Jay discuss the latest film from David Fincher, as well as some other 2011 releases that they were too lazy to review earlier in the year. (imdb)
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The Devil Inside and Flyin\
Jay and Mike discuss having a Devil Inside and how some kid can fly with magical bike reflectors attached to his shoes or whatever. (imdb)
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Red Tails
Red Tails (2012) - Season 2, Episode 3
Jay and Mike see Red Tails then have a poignant discussion about race and George Lucas. (imdb)
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B-Fest 2012 Recap
B-Fest 2012 Recap (2012) - Season 2, Episode 4
Jay and Mike talk about all the amazing films they saw at this year's B-fest, a festival dedicated to terrible movies. (imdb)
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Chronicle and Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance
Mike and Jay discuss a teen super power film as well as the latest Nicholas Cage flop. Meanwhile, Mr. Plinkett starts his search for love. (imdb)
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Silent House and John Carter
Silent House and John Carter (2012) - Season 2, Episode 6
Mr. Plinkett's got a hot date. Meanwhile Mike and Jay discuss recent releases Silent House and the sci-fi flop John Carter. (imdb)
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The Hunger Games and Jeff Who Lives at Home
A web series, in which two VCR repairmen, Mike and Jay, scam an elderly man out of his fortune by discussing movies while on the job, and occasionally go on eccentric misadventures.
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Cabin in the Woods and The Three Stooges
Mike and Jay discuss the pros and cons of Cabin in the Woods and The Three Stooges, while also proving to Plinkett their worthlessness may never end. (imdb)
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Zaat! (2012) - Season 2, Episode 9
Being too lazy to bother seeing any new releases, Mike and Jay discuss the semi-cult classic film Zaat, about a scientist that turns himself into a giant catfish monster. (imdb)
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The Avengers and CPHPIX Film Festival
Mike and Jay see The Avengers. (imdb)
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Battleship and Dark Shadows
Battleship and Dark Shadows (2012) - Season 2, Episode 11
Continuing their journey to the VCR repair shop, Mike and Jay take a break to discuss the latest Hollywood flops Battleship starring Johnny Depp and Dark Shadows starring Rihanna. (imdb)
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Prometheus (2012) - Season 2, Episode 12
Mike and Jay talk about the divisive new film Prometheus, Ridley Scott's kinda-sorta prequel to G.I. Jane. (imdb)
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Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter and That\
Mike and Jay hitch a ride from the worst green screen ever and discuss two more recent Hollywood flops: Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter and the brilliant Adam Sandler's latest masterpiece, That's My Boy. (imdb)
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The Amazing Spider-Man
The Amazing Spider-Man (2012) - Season 2, Episode 14
The string of quality summer blockbusters continues with The Amazing Spider-Man. Mike, Jay, along with their new friend Rich, discuss while wanting to kill themselves. (imdb)
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The Dark Knight Rises
The Dark Knight Rises (2012) - Season 2, Episode 15
Mike and Jay see some little independent film nobody's heard of called The Dark Knight Rises, directed by Christopher Nolan. (imdb)
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Step-Up Revolution
Step-Up Revolution (2012) - Season 2, Episode 16
Mike and Jay have finally arrived at the VCR Repair Shop. They use the opportunity to discuss the latest Step Up film in great detail for an extended period of time, with absolutely no distractions or surprise cameos. (imdb)
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Resident Evil Series: Part 1
Resident Evil Series: Part 1 (2012) - Season 2, Episode 17
Mike and Jay discuss Paul WS Anderson's Resident Evil series. (imdb)
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Resident Evil Series: Part 2
Resident Evil Series: Part 2 (2012) - Season 2, Episode 18
Mike and Jay discuss Paul WS Anderson's Resident Evil series. (imdb)
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Looper and Dredd
Looper and Dredd (2012) - Season 2, Episode 19
Jay and Mike talk about Looper and Dredd. Meanwhile a charitable act leads to good fortune for Lightning Fast VCR repair. (imdb)
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Sinister and Paranormal Activity 4
Mike and Jay discuss the recent horror flops Sinister and Paranormal Activity 4. Meanwhile, some creepy things begin to happen around Old Man Plinkett's house. Could it be a Baghuul problem? (imdb)
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Skyfall (2012) - Season 2, Episode 21
After a bizarre encounter with Mr. Plinkett, Mike and Jay decide to see the latest James Bond film, Skyfall, starring that guy from Cowboys and Aliens. (imdb)
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Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 2
Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 2 (2015) - Season 2, Episode 22
Mike and Jay saw the new Twilight movie. (imdb)
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The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey
Mike and Jay talk about Peter Jackson's latest trip to Middle-Earth, The Hobbit, and frustrate both Tolkien fans and HFR projection supporters in the process. (imdb)
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Django Unchained and 2012 Recap
Mike and Jay discuss Quentin Tarantino's new film Django Unchained, starring Jamie Foxx and Christoph Waltz, and recount some films they've seen in 2012 that they forgot about until just now. (imdb)
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