Half in the Bag

Half in the Bag : Episode List

A web series, in which two VCR repairmen, Mike and Jay, scam an elderly man out of his fortune by discussing movies while on the job, and occasionally go on eccentric misadventures.

Seasons: 14, Episodes: 220

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Late Night with the Devil
Late Night with the Devil (2024) - Season 14, Episode 2
Mike and Jay discuss the new found-footage-ish demonic movie Late Night with the Devil. But more importantly, they break a very important and rare VCR repair tool or something. (imdb)
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Borderlands (2024) - Season 14, Episode 8
Mike and Jay talk about Borderlands, an Eli Roth movie based on an old-by-now videogame IP. While filming, Roth realized it was a horrible mistake to cast numerous old ladies in the film who players of this game have never ever heard of. (imdb)
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