Face to Face

Face to Face : Episode List

Despite the title, the face of interviewer John Freeman is rarely seen - instead, the camera scrutinises his guests as they answer probing questions of an existentialist nature.

Seasons: 1, Episodes: 2

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Bertrand Russell
Bertrand Russell (1959) - Season 1, Episode 2
"The last survivor of a dead epoch" - this is how the distinguished philosopher Bertrand Russell describes himself. Now in his 87th year, he has used his long life to challenge the accepted ideas and conventional attitudes of the day. Lord Russell discusses with John Freeman his experiences, his achievements, and his unfulfilled ambitions.
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Professor Jung
Professor Jung (1959) - Season 1, Episode 8
John Freeman interviews Carl Gustav Jung, the most famous living psychologist, at his home in Zürich. We learn about Jung's early life, including the moment in his eleventh year when he realized he was an individual consciousness. Jung speaks about his friendship with Sigmund Freud, and explains why the friendship could not last. Jung is asked about his belief in God and Jung can only respond that there is no belief: he knows. And he says he knows - knows not believes - that death is not an end
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