Doctor Who

Doctor Who

TV Movie
1h 29m
The Doctor, an alien time traveller from the planet Gallifrey, is transporting the remains of his nemesis, the Master back to their homeworld. However the Master is not as dead as the Doctor thinks. The Master's essence escapes and sabotages the TARDIS, the Doctor's time machine causing it to crashland in San Franscisco on December 30th 1999. (imdb)
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Doctor Who

TV Movie
1h 29m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 33.82% from 174 total ratings

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Rated 09 Sep 2010
I love Doctor Who, and that's why I can't give this a passing score. Paul McGann is great, and with a decent script and ANY other decent actors, he'd have made a wonderful show of it. Unfortunately, due to a nice but ill-conceived cameo by Sylvester McCoy, he can't even get on screen for half an hour. Eric Roberts is at his scenery-chewing worst here as well. Given the wonderful series we have now, I'm relieved in retrospect that this never took off.
Rated 16 Apr 2010
As much as I love Doctor Who this is by far one of the worst stories ever made. It's a blessing this never took off into a full series, that said, there are a few plus points to this movie. Firstly, Paul McGann has such potential making such an impression out of this madness, the TARDIS looks amazing and seems to have had some money spent on it. Eric Roberts... Good villain yes, good Master.... NO!
Rated 01 Jul 2011
Worth seeing to catch Paul McGann's one and only appearance on film as the Doctor (he would've made a good one), but misguided on nearly all other levels. Eric Roberts is a complete wash-out. Sad to see Sylvester McCoy's Doctor perish so needlessly and stupidly on an operating table.
Rated 29 Apr 2009
A loopy story is more than made up for by an abundance of atmosphere, witty banter, and a great performance by Paul McGann.
Rated 25 Jan 2011
Any who's seen the UK version of Queer as folk will know my opinion of this... This is the doctor who doesn't count!
Rated 21 Jun 2023
As someone with little to no experience or knowledge of… Who? – this is pretty much what you would expect from a mid-budget, mid-90s TV production, with reasonable performers doing what they can with an erratic and confusing screenplay (or perhaps my ignorance is showing). Roberts seems to be having fun as the maniacal villain; with no-one really to compare him to, McGann seems to make a fine, if somewhat monosyllabic Doctor.
Rated 06 Oct 2010
Given the circumstances under which this movie was made, I guess it could have been worse. Like one of the producers said, at least "they kept the flame alive". I think that McGann gives a fine Doctor but the rest is too much made up for an American audience.
Rated 14 Apr 2023
The first half was quite strong for a TV Movie, but the second half is pretty average-mid dr who.
Rated 02 Jan 2021
Recently, I rewatched this for the first time since it first aired, and wow. That made a lot less sense than I remembered. The story structure is a complete mess, and the editing and direction lean into it. Paul McGann doesn't get a chance to make his Doctor a character, very few of the characters' motivations are coherent, and weird moments of gore and violence clash with the goofy tone of the rest. I mean, I still had *fun*, but be warned that processing this movie leaves your brain exhausted.
Rated 02 Mar 2014
It's very Doctor Who, even if it's not as good as I remembered.
Rated 23 Nov 2011
Don't watch this thinking that it really is the "Doctor Who movie", because it's not. It's a failed pilot. It fails on a few levels, trying to humanize a Time Lord, but ignoring some of those lines it passes. I can't honestly say it's a good film being a Doctor Who fan, but I can say it's worth the watch to see Paul McGann do amazingly as the Doctor. Hopefully he will show up for a reunion and get some more screen time.
Rated 07 Sep 2015
[As aired] Remember thinking this was OK-ish
Rated 03 Jun 2015
Comprehensible only by veteran fans of the series (and even then that's not a guarantee), "Doctor Who" utterly squanders McGann as the titular Time Lord in this misguided attempt to both revive the classic show and introduce it to a broader American audience.
Rated 16 Nov 2013
Paul McGann is a great, but everything else is decent - no wonder this didn't get picked up as a Doctor Who reboot series.
Rated 17 Jun 2012
McGann is amazing and if they don't bring him back for the 50th, Moffat needs to be fired.
Rated 24 Nov 2013
Eric Roberts?!?
Rated 23 Nov 2013
While it had its flaws (like trying to make the Doctor half human) this was a decent story overall. The Master acted a bit hammy, but the 8th Doctor was good. Its a shame that we haven't seen more of the 8th Doctor.
Rated 09 Oct 2014
As much as I love the franchise, this is just a terrible American (no offence) take on a Brit Classic.
Rated 31 May 2017
I've seen every episode of the show (finished the classic run with this) McGann is good, much of this take isn't


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