Doctor Who

Doctor Who : Episode List

Time and Space traveling adventures of a Gallifreyan Time Lord only known as the Doctor and his companions, traveling through time and space. (imdb)

Seasons: 26, Episodes: 694

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The Dominators: Episode 1
The Dominators: Episode 1 (1968) - Season 6, Episode 1
The TARDIS arrives on the planet Dulkis where the Doctor, Zoe and Jamie decide to have a quiet holiday. Only to find the Evil Dominators and their robotic slaves, The Quarks have arrived on a radioactive island, where they plan to detonate a bomb in the planet's core, which will turn the entire planet as source of radioactive fuel for their invasion fleet.
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The Dominators: Episode 2
The Dominators: Episode 2 (1968) - Season 6, Episode 2
The Doctor and Jamie are captured by the Dominators, who subject them to an intelligence test, while Zoe and Cully attempt to convince the Dulcian council of the threat.
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The Dominators: Episode 3
The Dominators: Episode 3 (1968) - Season 6, Episode 3
Zoe and Cully are captured by the Dominators and put to work alongside the survey team while the Doctor and Jamie decide to return to the island to help.
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The Dominators: Episode 4
The Dominators: Episode 4 (1968) - Season 6, Episode 4
The Doctor and Zoe are interrogated by Rago, who is planning to present his terms to the Dulcian council, while Jamie and Cully try to find a way to strike back against the Quarks.
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The Dominators: Episode 5
The Dominators: Episode 5 (1968) - Season 6, Episode 5
Jamie and Cully manage to rescue the Doctor's party and together they try to find a way to stop the Dominators before they destroy the entire planet.
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The Mind Robber: Episode 1
The Mind Robber: Episode 1 (1968) - Season 6, Episode 6
The TARDIS arrives in a white void after making an emergency escape from the volcanic eruption on Dulkis.
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The Mind Robber: Episode 2
The Mind Robber: Episode 2 (1968) - Season 6, Episode 7
With the TARDIS destroyed, the Doctor, Jamie and Zoe find themselves in a strange forest patrolled by mysterious soldiers.
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The Mind Robber: Episode 3
The Mind Robber: Episode 3 (1968) - Season 6, Episode 8
The Doctor realises that the travelers are trapped in a world where fiction is real and where creatures are a threat if people believe in them.
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The Mind Robber: Episode 4
The Mind Robber: Episode 4 (1968) - Season 6, Episode 9
The Doctor, Jamie and Zoe reach the citadel at the centre of the land, where they finally encounter the Master of the Land of Fiction.
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The Mind Robber: Episode 5
The Mind Robber: Episode 5 (1968) - Season 6, Episode 10
With Jamie and Zoe having been turned into fiction, the Doctor must find a way to save them without suffering the same fate or becoming part of the Master Brain.
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The Invasion: Episode One
The Invasion: Episode One (1968) - Season 6, Episode 11
The Doctor and the newly formed UNIT must stop a Cybermen Invasion and a Sinister Industrialist in league with them.
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The Invasion: Episode Two
The Invasion: Episode Two (1968) - Season 6, Episode 12
The Doctor and Jamie are taken prisoner by their mysterious observers and have a reunion with an old friend while Zoe and Isobel carry out their own investigation of IE.
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The Invasion: Episode Three
The Invasion: Episode Three (1968) - Season 6, Episode 13
The Doctor and Jamie return to the IE factory in search of Zoe and Isobel, where they meet with Professor Watkins and fall foul of Vaughn.
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The Invasion: Episode Four
The Invasion: Episode Four (1968) - Season 6, Episode 14
The Doctor and Jamie enlist the help of UNIT to rescue Zoe and Isobel before trying to find out what Vaughn is really up to.
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The Invasion: Episode Five
The Invasion: Episode Five (1968) - Season 6, Episode 15
The Doctor and Jamie tell the Brigadier about the Cybermen but with Rutledge under Vaughn's control he is powerless to act.
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The Invasion: Episode Six
The Invasion: Episode Six (1968) - Season 6, Episode 16
Captain Turner manages to rescue Jamie and the others, while the Doctor begins working on a way to protect everyone from the Cybermen's hypno-sound signal.
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The Invasion: Episode Seven
The Invasion: Episode Seven (1968) - Season 6, Episode 17
With the entire world unconscious apart from the Doctor and his friends, the Cybermen are poised to invade and only Zoe, the Brigadier and a missile crew can stop them.
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The Invasion: Episode Eight
The Invasion: Episode Eight (1968) - Season 6, Episode 18
The Cybermen are here to take over the world, and for the first time, UNIT are here to deal with the threats of a global invasion of a very alien and robotic kind.
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The Krotons: Episode One
The Krotons: Episode One (1968) - Season 6, Episode 19
The TARDIS lands on a nameless desolate planet where The Doctor, Jamie and Zoe learn the native Gonds are ruled by the mysterious and unseen Krotons, where The Krotons chooses their top students to join The Krotons in their machine as their companions. But The Doctor, Jamie and Zoe discover The Krotons are crystalline alien beings and are turning The Gonds mental powe...
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The Krotons: Episode Two
The Krotons: Episode Two (1969) - Season 6, Episode 20
Zoe is selected as a companion for the Krotons and the Doctor insists on joining her.
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The Krotons: Episode Three
The Krotons: Episode Three (1969) - Season 6, Episode 21
Jamie is held prisoner by the Krotons who intend to recapture the Doctor and Zoe for their mental energy.
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The Krotons: Episode Four
The Krotons: Episode Four (1969) - Season 6, Episode 22
Selris succeeds in drawing the Krotons out of the Dynatrope but Eelek agrees to hand the Doctor and Zoe over to them in return for their leaving the planet.
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The War Games: Episode Nine
The War Games: Episode Nine (1969) - Season 6, Episode 23
To prove his loyalty to the Aliens, the Doctor is ordered to reprocess his friends while the Security Chief finally uncovers evidence of the War Chief's treachery.
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The Seeds of Death: Episode Two
Eldred agrees to supply a rocket for travel to the moon and the Doctor, Jamie and Zoe volunteer to crew it.
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The Seeds of Death: Episode Three
The Doctor, Jamie and Zoe make it to the moon and join forces with Phipps but the Ice Warriors have gained control of T-mat.
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The Seeds of Death: Episode Four
The Ice Warriors' seed pods beginning materialising all over the globe while Slaar decides to kill the Doctor by T-matting him into space.
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The Seeds of Death: Episode Five
The Doctor and his allies manage to return to Earth via T-mat only to find the Ice Warrior has attacked the weather control station.
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The Seeds of Death: Episode Six
The Doctor manages to create a rain storm to destroy the Martian fungus before trying to find a way to stop the Ice Warriors' invasion fleet.
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The Space Pirates: Episode 1
The Space Pirates: Episode 1 (1969) - Season 6, Episode 29
Space beacons are being destroyed by pirates, who are salvaging the argonite metal. When the Doctor, Jamie and Zoe arrive on one of the beacons, they are mistaken for pirates.
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The Space Pirates: Episode Two
The Space Pirates: Episode Two (1969) - Season 6, Episode 30
With the Doctor, Jamie and Zoe trapped on a beacon segment, Hermack becomes suspicious of the unruly prospector Milo Clancey.
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The Space Pirates: Episode 3
The Space Pirates: Episode 3 (1969) - Season 6, Episode 31
The Doctor, Jamie and Zoe flee from the Space Corps with Clancey, who decides to seek refuge on Ta.
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The Space Pirates: Episode 4
The Space Pirates: Episode 4 (1969) - Season 6, Episode 32
The Doctor, Jamie and Zoe are held prisoner by the space pirates while Caven comes up with a plan to throw suspicion onto Clancey.
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The Space Pirates: Episode 5
The Space Pirates: Episode 5 (1969) - Season 6, Episode 33
Madeleine is revealed to be working with Caven, who comes up with a way to kill the Doctor and his friends whilst framing them for the piracy.
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The Space Pirates: Episode 6
The Space Pirates: Episode 6 (1969) - Season 6, Episode 34
With Clancey and Issigri trapped aboard the LIZ, the Doctor, Jamie and Zoe try to convince Madeleine to help them before Caven destroys Ta.
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The War Games: Episode One
The War Games: Episode One (1969) - Season 6, Episode 35
The Doctor, Jamie and Zoe realise they have arrived in the trenches of the First World War, where the sinister General Smythe accuses them of espionage.
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The War Games: Episode Two
The War Games: Episode Two (1969) - Season 6, Episode 36
The Doctor and Zoe manage to escape from Ransom and attempt to rescue Jamie from the military prison.
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The War Games: Episode Three
The War Games: Episode Three (1969) - Season 6, Episode 37
The Doctor and his friends realise the area is divided into different time zones and decide to return to the château to obtain a map from Smythe.
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The War Games: Episode Four
The War Games: Episode Four (1969) - Season 6, Episode 38
The Doctor and Zoe are transported to the control centre of the war games while Jamie and Lady Jennifer fall foul of American Civil War soldiers.
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The War Games: Episode Five
The War Games: Episode Five (1969) - Season 6, Episode 39
The Doctor attempts to rescue Zoe and Carstairs while Jamie and Lady Jennifer try to convince the resistance of the true nature of Von Weich and the others.
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The War Games: Episode Six
The War Games: Episode Six (1969) - Season 6, Episode 40
The scientist examines the captured resistance fighters and realises Jamie is a new arrival on the planet while the Doctor, Zoe and Carstairs try to rescue their friends.
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The War Games: Episode Seven
The War Games: Episode Seven (1969) - Season 6, Episode 41
The Doctor, Jamie and Carstairs manage to return to the 1917 zone only to be captured by Smythe, who orders the Doctor executed.
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The War Games: Episode Eight
The War Games: Episode Eight (1969) - Season 6, Episode 42
The Doctor and the processing machine have been taken by the Aliens but the resistance are making plans to attack the control centre.
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The War Games: Episode Ten
The War Games: Episode Ten (1969) - Season 6, Episode 44
The TARDIS is drawn to the planet of the Time Lords where both the Doctor and the War Lord are placed on trial.
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