Doctor Who

Doctor Who : Episode List

Time and Space traveling adventures of a Gallifreyan Time Lord only known as the Doctor and his companions, traveling through time and space. (imdb)

Seasons: 26, Episodes: 694

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The Leisure Hive: Part One
The Leisure Hive: Part One (1980) - Season 18, Episode 1
Finding out-of-season Brighton beach somewhat lacking, the Doctor and Romana travel to the leisure planet Argolis - but there strange experiments are taking place.
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The Leisure Hive: Part Two
The Leisure Hive: Part Two (1980) - Season 18, Episode 2
Another man is found dead, strangled by the Doctor's scarf, so the Doctor is put on trial. By some of the archaic rules of law, he's made to "prove" his innocence by becoming a test subject in a new tachyon experiment with time. The result will prove his innocence or guilt, so they say.
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The Leisure Hive: Part Three
The Leisure Hive: Part Three (1980) - Season 18, Episode 3
With the Doctor suffering from the time experiment, the clandestine schemes of others start coming to light, along with the secreted purposes to which the tachyonic generator has been used.
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The Leisure Hive: Part Four
The Leisure Hive: Part Four (1980) - Season 18, Episode 4
With the saboteur and murderer revealed and arrested, peace should now be restored, but a new threat emerges - a war-monger who's both ready and eager to aggress upon other worlds with a newly manufactured warrior army.
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Meglos: Part One
Meglos: Part One (1980) - Season 18, Episode 5
The Doctor, Romana and K-9 arrive on the forest planet Tygella, where the native Tygellans now live in a underground city, due to the carnivorous plants. Where the Doctor finds he has been wrongly accused of stealing the Dodechedron, the city's power source. Only to discover the culprit is Meglos, the cactus-like last survivor of the desert planet Zolfa-Thura and he...
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Meglos: Part Two
Meglos: Part Two (1980) - Season 18, Episode 6
With the TARDIS occupants trapped in a chronic histeratic loop (forever reliving the same moment in time), the devious Meglos - disguised as the Doctor - gains the trust of the Tigellans along with full and private access to their power chamber.
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Meglos: Part Three
Meglos: Part Three (1980) - Season 18, Episode 7
With the dodecahedron gone, the city goes power critical. Its death, imminent. With Romana seeking escape from Meglos' pirates, and Meglos seeking escape from the sealed-up city, and the Doctor himself seeking to understand what's been going on (and why everybody wants him arrested), religious factions move in to take over the city.
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Meglos: Part Four
Meglos: Part Four (1980) - Season 18, Episode 8
With the Doctor about to be ritualistically sacrificed to appease the god Ti for stealing the dodecahedron, Meglos and the pirates return to Zolfa-Thura with the dodecahedron to fire up an ancient weapon and blast Tigella out of existence.
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Full Circle: Part One
Full Circle: Part One (1980) - Season 18, Episode 9
After receiving a summons from the Time Lords, the Doctor and Romana set course for Gallifrey, however the pair instead land on Alzarius where they cross paths with a rebellious but mathematically gifted boy named Adric.
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Full Circle: Part Two
Full Circle: Part Two (1980) - Season 18, Episode 10
The Doctor and K9 watch as Marshmen begin emerging from the water, while K9 follows them, the Doctor ventures on board the Starliner. Meanwhile Adric's gang attempt to hijack the Tardis with Romana on board.
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Full Circle: Part Three
Full Circle: Part Three (1980) - Season 18, Episode 11
The Tardis materializes on board the Starliner, reuniting Login with his daughter and allowing the Doctor and Adric to return to the cave to save Romana who is behaving strangely after being bitten by a spider.
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Full Circle: Part Four
Full Circle: Part Four (1980) - Season 18, Episode 12
As the Marshmen begin pouring into the Starliner thanks to an infected Romana, the Doctor and Adric hurry to create an antidote but in doing so discover a deep secret about the Marshmen and their connection to Adric's people.
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State of Decay: Part One
State of Decay: Part One (1980) - Season 18, Episode 13
The Doctor and Romana find an isolated planet. K9 scans the planet, finding it has a village. The Doctor and Romana find high technology readings with the TARDIS sensors even though the village appears to have an absence of technology. The TARDIS lands near the village. The Doctor and Romana set off, leaving K9 behind to guard the TARDIS.
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State of Decay: Part Two
State of Decay: Part Two (1980) - Season 18, Episode 14
The Doctor and Romana are taken to the tower where they meet The Lords and come to the realization that the tower is actually a disused spaceship. A Lord named Aukon arrives at the village and takes Adric with him back to the tower.
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State of Decay: Part Three
State of Decay: Part Three (1980) - Season 18, Episode 15
Tarak arrives to free the Doctor and Romana from their imprisonment. Believing The Lords to be vampires from Gallifreyan legend, the Doctor returns to the Tardis to consult the Record of Rassilon while Tarak and Romana search for Adric.
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State of Decay: Part Four
State of Decay: Part Four (1980) - Season 18, Episode 16
The Lords prepare to sacrifice Romana and induct Adric into their ranks as part of their plan to awaken the "Great One" and escape E-Space. Meanwhile the Doctor and K9 assist Kalmar's men in attacking the tower.
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Warriors' Gate: Part One (1981) - Season 18, Episode 17
While the Doctor and Romana desperately rack their brains over how to escape E-Space, Time Winds strike the TARDIS, damaging it and K-9. Strangest of all, it allows Biroc, a hurt and hunted lion-man, to enter, phased in time, and set the control coordinates at zero-zero, sending the TARDIS into a milk-white void. Before running off, he warns of others who will be soon...
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Warriors' Gate: Part Two (1981) - Season 18, Episode 18
Three humorless men from a damaged bulk freighter find the TARDIS. Wearily, Romana returns with them to appraise the situation of their damaged ship but, because she's a time sensitive, winds up as a living navigational component to replace their time-sensitive Tharil (lion-man) who escaped. Meanwhile the Doctor, having found a gateway, is having a time with Gundans, ...
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Warriors' Gate: Part Three (1981) - Season 18, Episode 19
While Biroc leads the Doctor to a view of the Tharil's lordly past, Romana learns more about the damaged freighter and the coldheartedness of its crew. Meanwhile Commander Rorvik, confounded by the time mirror inside the universal center gateway, ignores evidence that it's no simple mirror and decides to blast it, imperiling the lives of everyone.
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Warriors' Gate: Part Four (1981) - Season 18, Episode 20
After the Doctor and Romana save the Tharil race, Romana agrees to leave the Doctor to become the Tharils' "Queen of Time."
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The Keeper of Traken: Part One
The Keeper of Traken: Part One (1981) - Season 18, Episode 21
The Tardis is drawn towards Traken, a harmonious planet. The Keeper of Traken appears inside the Tardis to warn the Doctor and Adric of his nearing death and of an evil being known as Melkur that threatens Traken's peaceful ways.
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The Keeper of Traken: Part Two
The Keeper of Traken: Part Two (1981) - Season 18, Episode 22
Tremas claims counselor privilege to protect the Doctor and Adric from execution, though it binds his fate to theirs if they're found guilty of murder. Melkur strengthens his hold over Kassia while Seron decides to have rapport with The Keeper to learn truth, and Adric finds evidence of another TARDIS in the area.
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The Keeper of Traken: Part Three
The Keeper of Traken: Part Three (1981) - Season 18, Episode 23
With Tremas falling under suspicion, due to his association with the Doctor, a new Keeper Nominate is named. Now, with everything in place, Melkur has only a short wait before his full malevolence can unfold.
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The Keeper of Traken: Part Four
The Keeper of Traken: Part Four (1981) - Season 18, Episode 24
With the merciless Melkur in control of The Source, the Doctor and his allies have only a slim chance of deposing him, which also puts the peace of the Traken Union in severe jeopardy.
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Logopolis: Part One
Logopolis: Part One (1981) - Season 18, Episode 25
Preparing to overhaul his TARDIS, the Doctor goes to Earth to take fresh measurements of a police box. A figure in white observes, as the Master lies in wait with a puzzling predicament for his rival Time Lord.
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Logopolis: Part Two
Logopolis: Part Two (1981) - Season 18, Episode 26
Figuring out that the Master has taken over Tremas's body, the Doctor and Adric land the Tardis near the River Thames before heading to Logopolis. Meanwhile a confused Tegan wanders the halls of the Tardis looking for help.
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Logopolis: Part Three
Logopolis: Part Three (1981) - Season 18, Episode 27
Adric, Nyssa and Tegan aid the Monitor in saving the Doctor after he is trapped inside his shrunken Tardis. The Master, posing as Nyssa's father Tremas, makes his presence known on Logopolis as his plan nears it's completion.
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Logopolis: Part Four
Logopolis: Part Four (1981) - Season 18, Episode 28
Forced to work together to save the universe from collapsing, the Doctor, the Master and Tegan use the Master's Tardis to travel to a giant satellite dish on Earth. Meanwhile Adric and Nyssa are taken to safety by the mysterious Watcher.
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