Doctor Who

Doctor Who : Episode List

Time and Space traveling adventures of a Gallifreyan Time Lord only known as the Doctor and his companions, traveling through time and space. (imdb)

Seasons: 26, Episodes: 694

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Destiny of the Daleks: Episode One
The Doctor and Romana find themselves on Skaro and forced to be military advisers to the Daleks' enemy, Movellans, while the Daleks revive Davros.
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Destiny of the Daleks: Episode Two
While the Daleks assign Romana to their excavation detail, the Doctor and an escaped prisoner help the Movellans' attempt to beat the Daleks.
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Destiny of the Daleks: Episode Three
The Doctor reaches Davros first, but can he hang on to him? Meanwhile, the Movellans test a bomb to incinerate the planet.
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Destiny of the Daleks: Episode Four
To break the centuries-old stalemate in their war, the Movellans need the Doctor, as do the Daleks Davros. The solution is simple, but neither side can see it, nor would the Doctor upset this perfect and unplanned peace they've achieved. Davros, though, is another matter.
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City of Death
City of Death (1979) - Season 17, Episode 5
As time slips a groove, the Doctor and Romana relive twenty-four seconds while on holiday in Paris. The second time it occurs the Doctor spots a woman using advanced, alien technology at the Louvre to study the security system guarding the Mona Lisa, but it's the Doctor who falls under suspicion of being a clever and masterful international art forger. (imdb)
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City of Death: Part Two
City of Death: Part Two (1979) - Season 17, Episode 6
While sightseeing in Paris, the Doctor and Romana find themselves repeatedly reliving the same moments in time. A visit to the Louvre Museum leads the Doctor to suspect an alien plot to steal the Mona Lisa.
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City of Death: Part Three
City of Death: Part Three (1979) - Season 17, Episode 7
Travelling back in time to 1505 Florence in search of Leonardo da Vinci, the Doctor is surprised to instead find Count Scarlioni under a different name. Back in 1979, Romana and Duggan attempt to stop the Count's heist but arrive too late.
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City of Death: Part Four
City of Death: Part Four (1979) - Season 17, Episode 8
Count Scarlioni reveals his true form as Scaroth, the last of the Jagaroth and uses his time machine to go back in time and rewrite history. The Doctor, Romana and Duggan take to the Tardis in a race against time to stop him.
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The Creature from the Pit: Part One
The Tardis lands on the overgrown jungle planet of Chloris where the Doctor examines an unusual giant eggshell but soon he and Romana are taken prisoner by the guards of Lady Adrasta, the planet's cruel ruler.
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The Creature from the Pit: Part Two
Descending into the pit, the Doctor meets the banished astrologer Organon who tells him of Lady Adrasta's monopoly over the planet's supply of metal. Back on the surface, Romana tries to prevent Adrasta from destroying K9.
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The Creature from the Pit: Part Three
Trapped face to featureless face with the alien creature, the Doctor tries his best to communicate with it. Meanwhile, as Adrasta's group tries to break through metallic bio-blockage created by the creature, bandits raid her palace for every scrap of metal they can find, including an alien shield that harbors powers no one suspects.
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The Creature from the Pit: Part Four
Full revelation of Adrasta's wicked acts in maintaining her planetary monopoly on metal brings her reign to an end, but the victimized alien creature holds a secret: massive interstellar retribution for her crimes is headed their way, with doom for all, including those whose current short-sighted actions undermine the Doctor's efforts to save the planet in order to be...
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Nightmare of Eden: Part One
Nightmare of Eden: Part One (1979) - Season 17, Episode 13
The Starliner Empress comes out of warp and collides with a scientific survey ship, the Hecate. The Doctor and Romana arrive offering to help separate the two ships but all is not as it seems.
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Nightmare of Eden: Part Two
Nightmare of Eden: Part Two (1979) - Season 17, Episode 14
The unstable interphase of the two ships opens up unexpected passageways for dangerous monsters caged in an electronic zoo aboard the cruise ship to escape. Meanwhile, as an attempt is made to hook Romana on vraxoin, the Doctor discovers a mystery man aboard ship to whom he gives chase.
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Nightmare of Eden: Part Three
Nightmare of Eden: Part Three (1979) - Season 17, Episode 15
Hiding out from arresting authorities in the electronic zoo's inhospitable Eden exhibit, the Doctor and Romana discover a man reported dead. Meanwhile, the monsters, called mandrels, start attacking and killing passengers, much to the amusement of the ship's captain.
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Nightmare of Eden: Part Four
Nightmare of Eden: Part Four (1979) - Season 17, Episode 16
After succeeding in separating the two merged ships, the Doctor discovers the identities of the drug runners. He, Romana and K-9 endeavor to catch them cleverly while also avoiding both the excise men wanting to shoot them and the marauding mandrels just wanting to kill anyone in sight.
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The Horns of Nimon: Part One
The Horns of Nimon: Part One (1979) - Season 17, Episode 17
After colliding with a spaceship, The Doctor, Romana and K-9 learn young natives from a peaceful planet called Aneth are being transported into a great labyrinth called "The Power Complex" where the evil bull-like Nimon demands that all his victims who enter The Power Complex are sacrificed so The Nimon can return to the Skonnan Empire back to glory.
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The Horns of Nimon: Part Two
The Horns of Nimon: Part Two (1979) - Season 17, Episode 18
The Doctor and K-9 struggle to repair the Tardis and rescue Romana from Skonnos where she is accused of space piracy.
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The Horns of Nimon: Part Three
The Horns of Nimon: Part Three (1980) - Season 17, Episode 19
Discovering the Nimon power room puts the Doctor onto the immense threat facing the universe, all enabled by Soldeed's crazed plan to return his war-mongering people to military glory.
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The Horns of Nimon: Part Four
The Horns of Nimon: Part Four (1980) - Season 17, Episode 20
While the Doctor endeavors to amend putting Romana in great peril, she experiences a foretaste of Skonnos's fate on the ravaged planet Crinoth, and a shocked but undeterred Soldeed gets a glimmer of how he's been used by the Nimon.
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