Doctor Who

Doctor Who : Episode List

Time and Space traveling adventures of a Gallifreyan Time Lord only known as the Doctor and his companions, traveling through time and space. (imdb)

Seasons: 26, Episodes: 694

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Horror of Fang Rock: Part One
Horror of Fang Rock: Part One (1977) - Season 15, Episode 1
The TARDIS lands near an isolated rocky island lighthouse just after a comet strikes the nearby sea and a sudden chilling fog rolls in. Soon after, electrical problems take hold of the generator and one of the keepers dies mysteriously.
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Horror of Fang Rock: Part Two
Horror of Fang Rock: Part Two (1977) - Season 15, Episode 2
With inexplicable electrical problems keeping the lighthouse from maintaining a steady beam, a foolhardy ship crashes against the island rocks. Four shaken and discontent survivors join the people inside where the Doctor surmises they're all being carefully scrutinized, a prelude to an attack.
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Horror of Fang Rock: Part Three
A death scream is heard, yet all are accounted for. Eventually the Doctor finds a body stashed away but hours old, with rigor mortis already settling in, which means there's a chameleon in their midst. Completely cut off from the rest of the world and with an escalating body count, the Doctor wonders just what, exactly, he's locked inside the lighthouse with them all.
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Horror of Fang Rock: Part Four
Horror of Fang Rock: Part Four (1977) - Season 15, Episode 4
With little to fear, and its mother ship about to land and turn Earth into an alien attack base, the electrically charged Rutan scout drops its human guise and attacks openly.
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The Invisible Enemy: Part One
The Invisible Enemy: Part One (1977) - Season 15, Episode 5
In the year 5000 AD a three-man crew arrive on the planet Titan but unknowingly become hosts for an alien virus that turns them hostile. Picking up a distress signal in the Tardis, the Doctor and Leela head to the planet to investigate.
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The Invisible Enemy: Part Two
The Invisible Enemy: Part Two (1977) - Season 15, Episode 6
The Doctor draws into himself, fighting the voice in his own head that's trying to take over his intelligence.
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The Invisible Enemy: Part Three
The medical center mounts a defense against alien forces trying to take the comatose Doctor while clones of Leela and the Doctor go microscopic so they can hunt down the intelligent infection that's in his head.
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The Invisible Enemy: Part Four
The Invisible Enemy: Part Four (1977) - Season 15, Episode 8
In trying to retrieve the clones from inside the Doctor, the alien virus is brought from the microbial world into the macro-world, and it's ready to spawn.
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Image of the Fendahl: Part One
Image of the Fendahl: Part One (1977) - Season 15, Episode 9
Archeologists near a reputedly haunted woods use a time scanner to explore the history of a sinister 12 million-year-old skull, creating a hole in time that attracts the Doctor's attention.
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Image of the Fendahl: Part Two
Image of the Fendahl: Part Two (1977) - Season 15, Episode 10
Every time the archaeologists explore the ancient skull, something deadly hunts and haunts the wood while one of the researchers is particularly affected.
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Image of the Fendahl: Part Three
Image of the Fendahl: Part Three (1977) - Season 15, Episode 11
The Doctor endeavors to prevent the re-existence of a Fendahl, a group entity that feeds on life itself and is thought only to exist in Time Lord mythology, but a witches' coven, seeking power, intervenes.
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Image of the Fendahl: Part Four
Image of the Fendahl: Part Four (1977) - Season 15, Episode 12
With one of the archaeologists transformed and a massive implosion threatening, the Fendahl and its Fendahleen components start coming into existence while the Doctor, Leela and the Tylers do what they can to stop it.
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The Sun Makers: Part One
The Sun Makers: Part One (1977) - Season 15, Episode 13
The Doctor and Leela land on Pluto in the far future and discover that it's inhabited by humans. Leaving K9 in the Tardis, the pair meet a man contemplating suicide after he's unable to pay his father's "death tax".
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The Sun Makers: Part Two
The Sun Makers: Part Two (1977) - Season 15, Episode 14
Captured by the authorities, the Doctor finds himself restrained in a Correction Centre where he's to be prepped for painful shock treatments, making him unable to return within a given time frame to the underground rebels holding Leela, who are prepared to kill her as promised.
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The Sun Makers: Part Three
The Sun Makers: Part Three (1977) - Season 15, Episode 15
The merciless Collector, who runs The Company, issues a bounty on the Doctor for his capture, while an already captured Leela is sentenced to public execution, via a steamer, for crimes against the company.
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The Sun Makers: Part Four
The Sun Makers: Part Four (1977) - Season 15, Episode 16
Attempting to start a successful revolution, the Doctor uses Pluto's Public Address System to announce successful revolution, all the while trying to determine the Collector's true species and why he, or it, seems set on taxing the life out of humans.
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Underworld: Part One
Underworld: Part One (1978) - Season 15, Episode 17
Materializing at the edge of the cosmos, the frontier of creation, The Doctor, Leela & K-9 encounter four ancient space travelers from Minyos, the first race ever contacted by the Time Lords. All but extinct due to their Time Lords encounter, the Minyans (rejuvenated 1000 times each) have been embarked on a long 100,000 year old quest, searching the universe for the...
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Underworld: Part Two
Underworld: Part Two (1978) - Season 15, Episode 18
Crashing inside a newly formed planet, the Doctor and others find it inhabited by a slave labor mining society, where rocks are harvested for their radioactive energy and human life has little value. With a population controlled by deliberate cave-ins, poison gas, and periodic sacrifices to an Oracle, the miners, called Trogs, are also descendants from Minyos, and who...
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Underworld: Part Three
Underworld: Part Three (1978) - Season 15, Episode 19
Capturing the Doctor and Leela, the citadel guards are quite pleased to have more subjects for their public executions, but it only fires up a Trog revolt instead.
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Underworld: Part Four
Underworld: Part Four (1978) - Season 15, Episode 20
With the Trog revolt close to success, the Oracle grants the Minyos travelers what they seek (the long lost race bank) in hopes they'll depart peacefully and straight away, but the Doctor suspects it's not all going to be as amicable as that. And what to do about the Trogs?
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The Invasion of Time: Part One
The Invasion of Time: Part One (1978) - Season 15, Episode 21
After signing a contract in secret, the Doctor returns to Gallifrey with Leela and K9 in order to claim his title as the President of the High Council of the Time Lords.
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The Invasion of Time: Part Two
The Invasion of Time: Part Two (1978) - Season 15, Episode 22
The Doctor orders Leela exiled from the Capitol, then orders K9 to sabotage Gallifrey's defences.
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The Invasion of Time: Part Three
The Invasion of Time: Part Three (1978) - Season 15, Episode 23
The Doctor allows the Vardans to occupy Gallifrey while Leela and Rodan head out into the wasteland to search for help.
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The Invasion of Time: Part Four
The Invasion of Time: Part Four (1978) - Season 15, Episode 24
The Doctor convinces Andred to trust him as he works to expel the Vardans, while Leela gathers the Outsiders for an attack on the Capitol.
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The Invasion of Time: Part Five
The Invasion of Time: Part Five (1978) - Season 15, Episode 25
The Doctor and his friends flee from the Sontarans and the Doctor tries to convince Borusa to abandon his sacred office in order to help defeat them.
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The Invasion of Time: Part Six
The Invasion of Time: Part Six (1978) - Season 15, Episode 26
The Doctor and his friends take refuge in the TARDIS but find themselves pursued by Stor and Kelner.
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