Dead Set
Dead Set
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Dead Set

Dead Set

Comedy, Drama
TV Mini-Series
2h 21m
During a fictional series of Big Brother, a zombie outbreak occurs, but the house-mates are unaware of the impending doom outside of the Big Brother House (imdb)

Dead Set

Comedy, Drama
TV Mini-Series
2h 21m
Your probable score
Avg Percentile 62.52% from 482 total ratings

Ratings & Reviews

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Rated 15 Jul 2009
Delightfully offensive and hilarious zombie mini-series. There are, annoyingly, running zombies and a thread of misandry throughout...but fuck that, this is too much fun! From the abusive producer and moronic housemates to the kick-arse zombie killing chicks, the characters are a blast. There's nothing timid about the dialogue - rapid-fire and incisive as it slams our vapid reality TV culture between gushes of blood and viscera. Favourite line - 'It smells of fingering in here'
Rated 05 Jan 2010
Best zombie series/movie/whatever in years. Electric pace, bitingly blunt (but at least not clumsily stupid) satire and without a doubt one of THE best endings ever within the zombie niche. The dread, the macabre killings and the sense that there is no way out. It's claustrophobic and fatalistic like the ending of "Dawn of the Dead". And perhaps even better? It loses a bit of steam midways, but the first and final episodes more than make up for it. This is modern zombie art.
Rated 22 Jul 2010
The first and last episodes are some of the best zombie media around, taking and running with the social commentary from Romero's heyday. The bulk of the production falls into the cliche pitfalls of the genre; namely, people making really stupid decisions. Thankfully Brooker's writing keeps things flowing with utter derision for the characters and some great satire. Go watch Screenwipe.
Rated 21 Jul 2010
I absolutely loved everything about Dead Set, and after many repeated viewings it has solidified itself as my #1 favorite zombie production. Bleak, haunting, pulse-pounding and disturbingly funny. Having a zombie outbreak during a Big Brother episode is a brilliant concept. And that ending! Rarely have I felt such terror at seeing a group of zombies break into a previously safe location. Charlie Brooker is the mán.
Rated 14 Mar 2016
An excellent mini-series combining some wickedly black humour with the tension and gore of The Walking Dead at its best. This was an early sign of things to come from Brooker, combining genre fiction with a pessimistic outlook on today's media/technology-obsessed culture. This would later come to full fruition in Black Mirror. Very true to the Romero style of satire, zombies no longer flock to the mall, they now flock to reality TV. We finally have a reason for all the characters being morons.
Rated 31 Mar 2010
Starts off being pretty funny but quickly degrades into a by the numbers zombie flick once it's hook runs out. Comparatively Shaun of the Dead manages to thoroughly entertain the entire time without becoming tiresomely contrived.
Rated 04 Nov 2009
Good zombie flick, sometimes fun characters. The slow (or fast) decline into apocalypse is cool although it's been done better (Dawn of the Dead 2004) but any segment like that is cool when it's well done. The concept is interesting enough and well executed and all in all this is good zombie flick.
Rated 13 Feb 2012
The acting seems to improve with each installment and the ending was surprisingly satisfying, unlike much of what else I've seen in the genre. The pacing is a bit off, a little too slow in the beginning and a bit rushed in the end, but overall this ranks right up with the best zombie cinema. I would have said this was my favorite of the genre, but upon rewatching [REC] it's hard to say which is better.
Rated 21 Jan 2011
A good zombie series that deteriorates toward the end with some exaggerated gore. Plenty of points for humor especially early on, tad too much screaming and camera waving though.
Rated 17 Dec 2010
Extra points for the ending...
Rated 27 Oct 2010
Masses of gore, humor (like shaun of the dead) but also maintaining the stomach-feeling and sick moments that make a horror movie/series stand out.
Rated 18 Aug 2010
What a terrible idea. Zombie movies suck, Big Brother sucks, jump scenes are retarded. Then throw in some shaky camera work, and you get everything that's wrong with modern horror movies. If you liked this mini-series, kill yourself.
Rated 18 Jul 2010
Love it love it love. Dark, and horrible, even with the "fast" zombies. Davina turning into an undead hose-beast a highlight amongst many. Also, Jamie Winstone really is her fathers fakking dourt-aah, the acting minx.
Rated 19 Nov 2009
Really fun. A couple of plot elements towards the end weren't great, but god damn, what an ending.
Rated 15 Nov 2023
eng; [dead set -- SERIE]; während eines zombieausbruchs ist die letzte zuflucht für die reality stars ihr big brother filmset.; {nicht vollständig gesehen};
Rated 14 Aug 2022
Mediocre British nonsense.
Rated 12 May 2021
Not bad. (As satire or parody organised around a 'Big Brother'-style show goes, 'Sex House' is probably at least as dark and incisive.)
Rated 17 Mar 2020
Fucking horrible. Brooker is a great sci-fi writer, but this fantasy zombie bullshit is intolerable.
Rated 05 Nov 2018
Nothing fancy--just a well-acted, well-shot Romero homage. Might as well be a remake of Dawn of the Dead.
Rated 12 Dec 2016
Once you get past some of the shaky cam annoyance it melds into a pretty wicked and depressing yet rewarding zombie story. Brutal ending.
Rated 19 Oct 2016
It started off kinda slow and looked liked a week spoof attempt. But then it picked up the pace and turned out something decent. It is a bit too unnecessarily gory; but it ends the way a zombie story should actually end; so that was a big plus.
Rated 09 Mar 2013
pretty good for a zombie-themed production but the metaphor kind of falls flat on itself during most times although it emerges quite preeminently in the ending - which is quite a good one.
Rated 18 Nov 2012
Pretty solid idea for a zombie movie set in current times. It's nice they didn't stretch it out like they would have if it had been made in America. One tight ark.
Rated 14 Oct 2012
One of the few occasions the shaky camera works, some of the shots even look like the camera guy is readjusting the mount on his shoulder. Andy Nyman's voice sounds a lot like Gervais's. The similarities between Director abusing the cast & Gervais's performance at the Golden Gs says enough. Disappointed other reviews are citing the Big Brother lot as the setting and distinguishing that this film is indeed apart of the zombie genre and not making the thematic connection, you titted fuckin idiots.
Rated 12 Sep 2012
As far as zombie films goes this is a decent film. Biggest complaint would have to be the annoying shaky camera.
Rated 02 Jun 2012
i'm not in the least bit interested in big brother, much less the british version of it. now, zombies i'm a fan of, and this movie has those. this one carries the attention quite well, but it's not one of the best zombie movies i've seen, it actually brings nothing new to the table, nor does it do any of the regular zombie stuff much better than it's hollywood peers. i'll just add that i'm not at all surprised that this movie is nearly impossible to find by anything other than illegal means.
Rated 23 Apr 2012
Fittingly bleak, but lacks a good story beyond the semi-original premise. I suspect it does not have a lot of rewatchability.
Rated 23 Jan 2012
Satirical yet at times genuinely creepy, the social commentary is exactly what you'd expect from Charlie Brooker (and indeed strongly reflects Romero's Dawn of the Dead: replacing consumerism with insta-fame reality TV). As so often with zombie flicks the conclusion is a bit of a letdown, but considering the oversaturation of the 'undead' genre these past few years and the fact Shaun of the Dead is unlikely ever to be topped, it's praise enough that I still enjoyed this as much as I did.
Rated 13 Jan 2012
Yeah not bad as a zombie series. Nice n' gory too!
Rated 26 Jun 2011
If you can bear the shaky camera and the constant close-ups, definitely worth the watch. Yes, the characters make some mind-numbing decisions, but at least the director paints a good picture showing they are dull-witted to begin with.
Rated 29 Apr 2011
Passes the time.
Rated 03 Feb 2011
Too much use of the shaky camera sinks this one a bit. Great concept merged with B-movie gore makes for an entertaining time.
Rated 22 Oct 2010
Running zombies aside, this is probably the best zombie output in recent years. It presents an abundance of claustrophobic scenes and oozes of panic and despair; just as a good zombie movie should. In best Romero style it is a satire over contemporary society and although the satire can get a bit too obvious, it works really well at times (ex: television producer harvesting dead body of 'Big Brother' contestant...). The level of gore is delightfully high and the ending is brilliant.
Rated 07 Sep 2010
Quite an intelligent zombie movie. Big brother 28 days later.
Rated 09 Jul 2010
it started good but I am yet to see a zombie film in which the characters act rational X(
Rated 19 Jun 2010
Terrifically done. A zombie piece that, whilst having "running" zombies, is faithful to the Romero model of actually being a social commentary. With gore. Lots of gore. And Davina McCall getting her throat eat. Nice.
Rated 29 May 2010
Falls a bit flat. You expect so much of Brooker because of his incisive commentary on other people's mistakes, but in the end he produced what is more or less a more verbose Dawn of the Dead.
Rated 12 May 2010
Crazyily sick! [Seriously, i don't have much to say about this. Probably good for people who like slasher/zombie movies; for someone like me who doesn't have any preference it's just very mediocre and definitely lacking in humor - good beginning, takes itself much too serious later on, imho]
Rated 08 Jun 2009
Very Nice Zombie Apocalypse Movie


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