Courage the Cowardly Dog

Courage the Cowardly Dog : Episode List

The offbeat adventures of Courage, a cowardly dog who must overcome his own fears to heroically defend his unknowing farmer owners from all kinds of dangers and menaces that appear around their land. (imdb)

Seasons: 3, Episodes: 16

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A Night at the Katz Motel/Cajun Granny Stew
"A Night at the Katz Motel" Muriel, Eustace and Courage check into a motel run by a sinister cat named Katz. It turns out to be a VERY long night when Katz turns his spiders lose on them.
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The Shadow of Courage/Dr. Le Quack, Amnesia Specialist
"The Shadow of Courage" When an evil, rich old man suffers a heart attack, his shadow escapes from him. The evil shadow descends on the farm, terrorizing our happy threesome. (imdb)
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Courage Meets Bigfoot/Hothead
Courage Meets Bigfoot/Hothead (1999) - Season 1, Episode 3
"Courage Meets Bigfoot" A hungry Bigfoot turns up at the farm. Courage is terrified at first, but befriends the gentle monster and must save him from the Farmer and an angry mob. (imdb)
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The Demon in the Mattress/Freaky Fred
"The Demon in the Mattress" Muriel needs a new mattress. The one she orders comes with a bonus: a demon, which takes over her body. Courage must find a way to get rid of the demon and the new mattress. (imdb)
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Night of the Weremole/Mother\
"Night of the Weremole" Muriel is bitten by what she thinks is a rabbit while gardening. She is transformed into a weremole (that was no rabbit!), and Courage must find the antidote. (imdb)
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The Duck Brothers/Shirley the Medium
"The Duck Brothers" Duck brothers from outer space kidnap Muriel - they've come to Nowhere to rescue their brother. Courage must save Muriel, and ends up helping the brothers as well. (imdb)
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King Ramses\
"King Ramses' Curse" An ancient artifact is stolen from an Egyptian tomb; Courage discovers it buried outside the house. Unfortunately it carries a curse with it, and the Farmer refuses to return it, believing he can claim a fortune for it. (imdb)
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The Hunchback of Nowhere/The Gods Must Be Goosey
"The Hunchback of Nowhere" A hunchback knocks at the farmhouse door on a rainy night. The Farmer turns him away, but Courage discovers Hunchy in the hayloft. Much to the Farmer's disgust, Courage befriends the hunchback. (imdb)
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Queen of the Black Puddle/Everyone Wants to Direct
"The Queen of the Black Puddle" After a rainstorm, a puddle queen materializes at the farm. She woos the Farmer and drags him down into her puddle world. Muriel is heartbroken, so Courage must save the Farmer. (imdb)
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The Snowman Cometh/The Precious, Wonderful, Adorable, Loveable Duckling
"The Snowman Cometh" Muriel, Courage and the Farmer are vacationing in the Arctic. Under the threat of global warming, an evil snowman tries to save himself by stealing the human "anti-melting" gene from them. (imdb)
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Heads of Beef/Klub Katz
Heads of Beef/Klub Katz (2000) - Season 1, Episode 11
"Heads of Beef" The Farmer and Courage go into town for a hamburger. The diner the Farmer chooses serves up strange-looking burgers, and Courage suspects evil doings. (imdb)
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