
Community : Episode List

A former lawyer attends a community college when it is discovered he faked his bachelor degree. In an attempt to get with a student in his Spanish class he forms a Spanish study group. To his surprise more people attend the study group and the group of misfits form an unlikely community. (imdb)

Seasons: 6, Episodes: 110

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Anthropology 101
Anthropology 101 (2010) - Season 2, Episode 1
Jeff and Britta engage in a dangerous game of relationship one-upsmanship in response to Britta's embarrassing moment at the end of the previous school year, which could cause the entire study group to fall apart. (imdb)
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Accounting for Lawyers
Accounting for Lawyers (2010) - Season 2, Episode 2
Jeff blows off the study group and their break-dancing competition to hang out with his old co-workers at the law firm, but Annie tries to prove that one of them is the person who turned him in and got him fired. (imdb)
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The Psychology of Letting Go
The Psychology of Letting Go (2010) - Season 2, Episode 3
Pierce's religion convinces him that the spirit of his dead mother is captured in a cheap lava lamp, Jeff has a crisis of faith when he learns he has high cholesterol, and Britta and Annie try to raise money for the oil spill. (imdb)
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Basic Rocket Science
Basic Rocket Science (2010) - Season 2, Episode 4
Everyone in the study group except Abed is stuck in a crude 1980s space simulator as it is towed off campus, and Abed leads the team given the difficult assignment of bringing them home. (imdb)
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Messianic Myths and Ancient Peoples
Shirley asks Abed to make a film about Jesus, but he quickly angers Shirley by turning it into a self-indulgent mess. Meanwhile, Pierce begins blowing off the study group to hang out with the "hipsters." (imdb)
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Epidemiology (2010) - Season 2, Episode 6
The study group is left to fend for themselves by Dean Pelton during a rabies outbreak due to tainted food at Greendale's Halloween party. (imdb)
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Aerodynamics of Gender
Aerodynamics of Gender (2010) - Season 2, Episode 7
Britta, Annie and Shirley discover that Abed is skilled at insulting the mean girls, so they use him to their advantage. Meanwhile, Troy and Jeff find a secret garden with a trampoline, which they use for relaxation. (imdb)
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Cooperative Calligraphy
Cooperative Calligraphy (2010) - Season 2, Episode 8
Chaos and mistrust tear the study group apart as they try to figure out who stole Annie's pen, causing them to miss the Greendale Puppy Parade. (imdb)
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Conspiracy Theories and Interior Design
Dean Pelton tries to bust Jeff for a phony night school credit, which only unveils a series of conspiracies, plots, and double-crosses between Jeff, Annie, and the dean. (imdb)
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Mixology Certification
Mixology Certification (2010) - Season 2, Episode 10
The study group takes Troy out to a bar to celebrate his 21st birthday. While there, Annie assumes a new identity, Abed is propositioned by a man, one of Shirley's secrets is discovered, and Britta and Jeff fight over the "cool" bars. (imdb)
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When Abed wakes up to discover that everything is in stop motion animation, Professor Duncan and the study group help him try to discover the true meaning of Christmas. (imdb)
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Asian Population Studies
Asian Population Studies (2011) - Season 2, Episode 12
Annie lobbies for her new crush, who is also Jeff's rival, to join the study group, but a jealous Jeff counters with Chang. Meanwhile, Shirley announces that she's pregnant, but she doesn't know that it could be Chang's. (imdb)
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Celebrity Pharmacology 212
Celebrity Pharmacology 212 (2011) - Season 2, Episode 13
Pierce bribes Annie into getting him a bigger role in her anti-drug play, Jeff gets in trouble when he sends a lewd text message from Britta's phone, and Shirley rejects Chang's attempts to be friendly to her. (imdb)
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Advanced Dungeons & Dragons
Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (2011) - Season 2, Episode 14
The study group plays Dungeons & Dragons with another classmate to improve his spirits, but Pierce's jealousies cause their good intentions to backfire. (imdb)
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Early 21st Century Romanticism
Early 21st Century Romanticism (2011) - Season 2, Episode 15
Jeff hangs out with Professor Duncan after a fight with the study group, but Chang tags along and starts a party. Meanwhile, Abed and Troy fight for a librarian's affection, and Britta goes to a dance with a girl she thinks is a lesbian. (imdb)
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Intermediate Documentary Filmmaking
Pierce pretends to be dying so that he can bequeath a series of cryptic and sometimes mean-spirited gifts to his study partners, and Abed decides to shoot a documentary film of the situation. (imdb)
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Intro to Political Science
Intro to Political Science (2011) - Season 2, Episode 17
Anticipating a visit from the vice president, dean Pelton holds an election for student body president. An idealistic Annie decides to run, but Jeff decides to run against her to spite her and show how stupid politics can be. (imdb)
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Custody Law and Eastern European Diplomacy
Jeff uses Shirley's parental rights waiver against Chang as a way to get Chang out of the apartment, while Britta is afraid to tell Abed and Troy that their new friend is a war criminal. (imdb)
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Critical Film Studies
Critical Film Studies (2011) - Season 2, Episode 19
Jeff's "Pulp Fiction"-themed surprise party for Abed is spoiled when Abed tells him over dinner that he's done with pop culture. (imdb)
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Competitive Wine Tasting
Competitive Wine Tasting (2011) - Season 2, Episode 20
Jeff suspects something isn't quite right when an attractive classmate gets engaged to marry Pierce. (imdb)
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Paradigms of Human Memory
Paradigms of Human Memory (2011) - Season 2, Episode 21
While working on the final diorama for their anthropology class, Chang discovers the cache of items stolen by Troy's monkey. (imdb)
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Applied Anthropology and Culinary Arts
As the semester draws to a close, the anthropology class final is disrupted when Shirley goes into labor one month ahead of schedule. (imdb)
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A Fistful of Paintballs
A Fistful of Paintballs (2011) - Season 2, Episode 23
In a "spaghetti western" parody, Pierce tries to get revenge on the rest of the study group during this year's paintball tournament. (imdb)
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For a Few Paintballs More
For a Few Paintballs More (2011) - Season 2, Episode 24
When the study group learns that there's a sinister plot behind the paintball tournament, they unite the remaining players to defeat the enemy. (imdb)
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