Comedy Central Presents

Comedy Central Presents : Episode List

Comedy Central Presents is the network's main half-hour program which highlights either one or a series of stand-up comedians each episode. In 2011, the series ended and Comedy Central replaced it with the revamped The Half Hour 30-minute stand-up specials. (

Seasons: 3, Episodes: 10

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Wanda Sykes-Hall
Wanda Sykes-Hall (1998) - Season 1, Episode 1
Wanda Sykes confronts the realities of marriage, children and celebrity sex scandals in this half-hour stand-up special. (imdb)
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Marc Maron
Marc Maron (1998) - Season 1, Episode 2
Marc Maron demands mandatory drug use for demeaning jobs in this half-hour stand-up special. (imdb)
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Reggie McFadden
Reggie McFadden (1998) - Season 1, Episode 3
Reggie McFadden explores the perils of dating big women and smoking crack at the club in this half-hour special. (imdb)
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Lewis Black
Lewis Black (1998) - Season 1, Episode 4
Lewis Black questions the effectiveness of flu shots and the US Congress in this half-hour stand-up special. (imdb)
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Greg Fitzsimmons
Greg Fitzsimmons (1998) - Season 1, Episode 5
Greg Fitzsimmons ponders the problems with human cloning and envisioning your grandma naked in this half-hour stand-up special. (imdb)
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Mitch Hedberg
Mitch Hedberg (1999) - Season 1, Episode 6
Mitch Hedberg's half-hour special on Comedy Central, as part of their Comedy Central Presents series. (imdb)
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Sue Murphy
Sue Murphy (1999) - Season 1, Episode 7
Sue Murphy warns against home tanning and exercising at the gym in this half-hour stand-up special. (imdb)
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Kevin Brennan
Kevin Brennan (1999) - Season 1, Episode 8
Kevin Brennan states the facts behind Biblical stories and explains the miracle of human reproduction in this half-hour special. (imdb)
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