
Combat! : Episode List

Combat!, a one-hour WWII drama series on television, followed a frontline American infantry squad as they battled their way across Europe. With mud-splattered realism, the show offered character studies of men striving to maintain their own humanity in the midst of a world torn by war.

Seasons: 5, Episodes: 83

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The Bridge at Chalons
The Bridge at Chalons (1963) - Season 2, Episode 1
A bitter demolition Sgt. escorted by Saunder's squad to blow up a bridge, feels his men are bunch of incompetent fools, that will get him killed before reaching the target.
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Bridgehead (1963) - Season 2, Episode 2
The Squad is ordered to take and hold a strategic bridge. The bridge however is near an abandoned house that a squad of Germans have sought refuge in. The Germans are armed with an anti tank weapon and take out the American tank. The only thing left for Saunders and the men to do is a frontal assault on the house...under heavy enemy fire. Morale for this particular mission is low and the men question whether this bridge is worth the risk.
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Masquerade (1963) - Season 2, Episode 3
Sgt. Saunders suspects a GI corporal and lieutenant, with a Nazi colonel in custody, are really impostors who want to sabotage command. But Saunders isn't believed by Lt. Hanley.
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The Long Way Home: Part 1
The Long Way Home: Part 1 (1963) - Season 2, Episode 4
Sgt. Saunders's squad is captured and placed in a temporary stockade, where they are interrogated by a cruel SS officer.
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The Long Way Home: Part 2
The Long Way Home: Part 2 (1963) - Season 2, Episode 5
Still interred in a German POW camp, Sgt. Saunders and his squad must find a way to escape before they are all killed.
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The Wounded Don\
The Wounded Don't Cry (1963) - Season 2, Episode 6
The squad captures a German field hospital inhabited by a doctor, patients and attendants left behind in a retreat.
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Doughboy (1963) - Season 2, Episode 7
On patrol looking for location of the German gun known as "Big Frieda," Saunders is captured by Phil, an old doughboy trapped in the past. Reliving the first World War, he captures Saunders, who he thinks is a German. Within his confused memory, Phil knows the location of the big gun. And the lives of the Americans moving up depend on Phil's failing mind.
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Glow Against the Sky
Glow Against the Sky (1963) - Season 2, Episode 8
Hiding in a bombed out town, Saunders and his squad leave a badly wounded, delirious Pvt. Nelson for the Germans to find and try to save.
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The Little Jewel
The Little Jewel (1963) - Season 2, Episode 9
Saunders' squad encounters a hungry French orphan gobbling rotted food in a bombed-out village. As PFC Caje doles K-rations to the boy Bijou (which means Little Jewel), the orphan swipes Caje's wallet, and claiming he found it, asks for a reward of chocolate from the Cajun soldier. While the squad races to bomb an oil depot, the cynical Kirby suspects the Little Jewel is following along to trade the infantry's attack plan to the Germans. Is Bijou a clever child trying to simply survive or one se
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A Distant Drum
A Distant Drum (1963) - Season 2, Episode 10
A wounded Lt. Hanley is pursued by a squad of Germans, and takes refuge in a French farmhouse at great peril to the mother and daughter living there.
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Anatomy of a Patrol
Anatomy of a Patrol (1963) - Season 2, Episode 11
Saunders' squad rescues a badly wounded pilot in the woods and his recon film, but then they are chased by a resourceful Nazi Sgt.
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Ambush (1963) - Season 2, Episode 12
Losing her family in the war, a young French woman becomes embittered against both armies. She witnessed the Germans setting up their artillery, and Sgt. Saunders must convince her to reveal the Germans' location.
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Barrage (1963) - Season 2, Episode 13
The Americans have been trying to take a German held hill for the last four days. Hanley's orders are to get up the hill, locate the artillery positions and report back. The squad is exhausted but marches upward. They separate and Saunders is wounded in the leg taking on a machine gun nest. Weak from his wound Saunders crawls along until he falls into an abandoned mine and discovers he is not alone.
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Thunder from the Hill
Thunder from the Hill (1963) - Season 2, Episode 14
A cold blooded boss within a faction of the French Resistance, pressures Lt. Handley's squad to help raid a German ammo depot before he will take him to his leader.
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The Party
The Party (1963) - Season 2, Episode 15
This is strictly for laughs. The squad is left in a French village to wait for a ride to meet up with Saunders, and Kirby is placed in charge. 3 gals smile at our guys as they pass by, and Kirby, Caje, and Billy immediately come up with a plan to delay their ride so they can woo the three gals. Littlejohn wants no part in it and says, "It won't work." 3 Explosive Ordinance Disposal (EOD) sergeants already have dates with the gals, and our guys connive to beat the sergeants out of their dates.
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Gideon's Army (1963) - Season 2, Episode 16
Saunders wants to help Polish laborers escape a German advance but fears his unit is vastly outnumbered.
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The Pillbox
The Pillbox (1964) - Season 2, Episode 17
Hanley and a wounded soldier play dead to elude German captors but find their only escape route has been cut off.
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The General and the Sergeant
The General and the Sergeant (1964) - Season 2, Episode 18
Saunders' men and French villagers reconsider their opinions of an elderly general (John Dehner) when he leads a capture of an enemy post.
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What Are the Bugles Blowin\
Saunders and his men warn a British unit of a German advance, but the British commander refuses to retreat.
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What Are the Bugles Blowin\
A British captain refuses Allied orders to retreat, delivered by Sgt. Saunders. Instead, Capt. Johns commands Sgt. Saunders' battle-fatigued U.S. squad to dig in at the besieged railhead and help repulse a German advance. Saunders fears it's suicide for all, but the imperial Capt. Johns, a Sandowner and son of a general, insists they can hold the depot against a Nazi offensive.
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Weep No More
Weep No More (1964) - Season 2, Episode 27
Squad members, lead by Hanley, run into a young woman. She is, however, mentally scarred, mute, and seeks to return to where she feels safe. She runs back there, and when Hanley goes to get her he finds out the place is now in German hands.
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The Short Day of Private Putnam
A new squad member is aggressive and naive - because he's really only 15. Orville Putnam's actual age is discovered by a knowing French bartender he puts his unsubtle moves on, to impress his fellow infantrymen. Orville swears Fauvette to secrecy, but then the squad is ordered to recon a hill whose treetops are stuffed with German snipers. Sgt. Saunders understands that Orville is covering up for his lack of combat experience, but doesn't know the whole truth about the orphaned teen.
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Rescue (1964) - Season 2, Episode 29
Concussed during an artillery barrage and separated from his platoon, Hanley starts to come out of his daze only to find he is being taken prisoner by an SS soldier. The first twist is when the SS soldier is shot by another SS soldier who frees Hanley. Then we learn the second SS soldier is really a GI corporal who just escaped from a holding area, but his wounded Colonel is still being held by the Germans and has information valuable to the Germans.
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