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3 Body Problem
3 Body Problem
3 Body Problem

3 Body Problem

TV Series
1h 0m
A fateful decision in 1960s China echoes across space and time to a group of scientists in the present, forcing them to face humanity's greatest threat. (Netflix)
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3 Body Problem

TV Series
1h 0m
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Avg Percentile 52.72% from 240 total ratings

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Rated 24 Mar 2024
Stupid JJ Abrams style Mystery box bullshit storytelling from D&D. Everything is hinted at, nothing is revealed. Dogshit dialogue, garbage characters. I didn't care about the future of humanity in this story. The question on my mind is how on earth did a season of episodes set in contemporary times cost 160-200 million dollars and look this cheap. "I believe you'll know when the time is right! " JJ Abrams style cryptic bullshit dialogue has ruined high end television.
Rated 24 Mar 2024
As an adaptation, it does well at transforming the narrative into something that will work on screen without butchering the events that make the book series so striking. The creators have correctly assessed that the character work was what needed the most work, I am not fond of making them all so closely knit though. That makes the world feel smaller than it needs to. My main criticism is that audiovisually they haven't really captured the feeling of existential cosmic terror from the books.
Rated 28 Apr 2024
It’s not as good as you might hope considering the material it’s adapting, but it’s still mostly goof and enjoyable, with occasional exceptional moments. Eliza Gonzales is abysmal in this, her wooden performance significantly drags down the entirely production.
Rated 14 May 2024
There's a lot of potential here, but it's all squished in 8 episodes. This is grand sci-fi but 8 episodes simply doesn't do it justice. There are some great emotional, philosophical moments in the series from the hospital bed scene with Will, and the ending bug scene, but there's also heaps of nonsense throughout all of it that I assume are better explained or portrayed in the books and the original Chinese series.
Rated 08 Jul 2024
Biggest disappointment in many years. Episode 1 didn't have me, Episodes 2-3 I gave the good college try, and Episodes 4-6 I just suffered before giving up. A premise with so much wonderful sci-fi potential wasted on overly self-serious writing and actors who are struggling to carry their one-dimensional characters. The experience of watching was so unpleasant I couldn't forgive the liberties taken in how science, business, or military operations work.
Rated 05 Jul 2024
Solid premier television of hard sci-fi. Watching som behind the scenes and it seems like they made some useful adaptations from the book for better storytelling.
Rated 26 Jun 2024
Kinda boring with lots of drawn out character moments, it develops about halfway into an interesting sci-fi scenario before season 1 ends.
Rated 22 Jun 2024
Good adaptation. It sometime feels too centered on the main characters, failing to capture the global scale of the story, though.
Rated 24 Jul 2024
The way it's made seems soo accurate and legit. It was fun
Rated 03 Jun 2024
When it is best, it is amazing, but there are also rough parts. I adore the premise and Cixin’s ideas. This is in no way a perfect adaptation, and there are many odd choices, but I was hooked and am eagerly awaiting the next season.
Rated 02 Jun 2024
Elitist nonsense.
Rated 01 Jun 2024
S1: 60/100
Rated 21 May 2024
Fairly long-haired hard sci-fi (in a good way) wrapped in a character driven mystery (wise choice). For the most part quite engaging but towards the end it sort-of stalls. Also: that Panama scene... I understand why it's there, pretty memorable stuff, but logically it makes no sense whatsoever.
Rated 15 May 2024
Seems like a really messy show. I quit after a single episode. I honestly don't understand why it might be trending. Too many storylines, some of them don't seem to be connected at all. Maybe later it comes together, but boy, if you can't make me interested by the end of the first hour, don't expect me to stick along. I don't recommend this to anyone.
Rated 26 Aug 2024
I read the book when it first came out. Couldn't figure out how they could make a movie out of it. But it is really quite good, even if they did kill off one of my favorite characters. Can't wait to watch the sequel, but I think it's going to be quite a while.
Rated 22 Apr 2024
While I do commend the work they put into the characters (and even the character combinations) to give this some life, everything else about this felt flat. The visuals are unimpressive, the acting by almost everybody is poor, and everything feels so rushed that the incredible sci fi ideas that made the books so great don't get enough breathing time to feel important or impactful.
Rated 18 Apr 2024
I rate this as a bit better than it's Chinese version, but, it could have been made better by spending more time building the plot. This one was too short whereas the Chinese version was too long. There was definitely a happy medium to be found here.
Rated 18 Apr 2024
Since I had 0 expectation from Benioff and Weiss, I wasn’t expecting much from this adaptation of one of my favourite books of all time. It wasn’t as bad as O was expecting, but it was just a very weird adaptation. I understand the new characters but why adapt a book and a half in one season? Or simplify the plot so much to make sense, but in return it makes even less sense etc. It’s watchable but not as even half as good as the books.
Rated 18 Apr 2024
I think we’ve enough of sci fi…. Somehow this got made and David Lynch is not lol
Rated 18 Apr 2024
Netflix version is too fast paced, while tencent version is too drawn out.
Rated 02 Apr 2024
Very solid show. Can't wait for season 2 and beyond. There are a lot of nonsense things in here from the San-Ti, but easy to overlook as the show is well done and gripping.
Rated 02 Apr 2024
The first season gradually grew from being sceptic to me being excited for the next season. Which is rare, for sci-fi is not something I watch a lot of.
Rated 28 Mar 2024
HUGE oversimplification of literally everyting from the book. Scalped of all the importants: background, message, idea. I watched with person whom did not read the book: missing plot flow, difficult to understand, difficult to enjoy. Honestly: chinese version is better.
Rated 28 Mar 2024
Really enjoyed the concept probably could’ve had better actors
Rated 24 Mar 2024
dizinin bazı yerlerinde güzel gelişmeler oluyor ama 8 bölümün geneline baktığımızda elle tutulur hiçbir şey olmuyor maalesef. game of thrones'un yaratıcı ekibinden birilerinin olduğu çok belli çünkü orada olan 'winter is coming' diye sürekli sayıklanması ama sonunda tatmin edici bir bok olmaması bu dizi için de geçerli. devamlı geliyorlar geliyorlar deyip duruyorlar ama kimsenin geldiği yok. 400 yıl sonra dünyaya gelecek uzaylıların tehlikesini yansıtmaya çalışmak çok çiğ ve yetersiz kalıyor. hi
Rated 24 Mar 2024
2024'de #IzlediğimFilmler ; 73. 3 Body Problem (2024– ) Bilim kurgu ve felsefi öğeleriyle ilk dakikadan itibaren merak ve ilgiyi asla kesmiyor. Tek eksikliği kurduğu epik hikayenin büyüklüğü ve eğer netflişk izin verirse en az 2 sezonluk daha işlerinin olduğu. Bekleyeceğiz. 8/10
Rated 23 Mar 2024
I think it's a strong production with a very high potential. But if I had not read the series, my score would probably be lower. Those interested can also check out Tencent's 28-episode adaptation called Three-Body. It is an interesting experience to find different interpretations of the same text so often...
Rated 22 Mar 2024
I used love the book. Then started to despise the book. The show is actually mediocre. But it did a good job in making it a bit more emotionally relatable.
Rated 22 Mar 2024
Interesting sci-fi concepts (though most of them dumbed down by the writers), some comedic moments and very dramatic but surprisingly well done love story made me enjoy the show but stupid scenes combined with rushed character and plot development makes it a 6/10 for me.
Rated 09 Apr 2024
It has a very interesting premise, but once you starting thinking about it, it all becomes very silly. Some events and character choices are all too convenient to push the story forward or in a certain direction. Will watch a second season but I don't have my hopes up.


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