
Criticker Newbie - 7 Film Ratings
Member Since: 10 Aug 2012
Location: Vasa, Finland
Bio: Study Theather/Acting but my real passion is movies.

more Recent Ratings

87 14% The Royal Tenenbaums (2001) - Rated 12 Aug 2012
78 0% Shutter Island (2010) - Rated 12 Aug 2012
90 28% Being John Malkovich (1999) - Rated 10 Aug 2012
"Kaufmans first movie is filled with creativity and great writing. The performances are great but the story is the greatest thing about this movie."
90 28% Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) - Rated 10 Aug 2012
"Creative, fun and really amazingly put together romantic comedy. Gondry and Kaufman fit together perfectly here and the performances are really great. Carrey surprises with a really solid performance."
98 85% Synecdoche, New York (2008) - Rated 10 Aug 2012
"May be my all time favorite movie. Charlie Kaufman is my favorite screenwriter and Philip-Seymour Hoffman is my favorite actor. I love the absurdity and the surreal atmosphere of the movie. Amazing writing and directing that just speaks to me personally really deeply. Phenomenal movie."
90 28% Adaptation. (2002) - Rated 10 Aug 2012
"Charlie Kaufman is a genius. Nicholas Cage gives a great performance and so does Meryl Streep and Chris Cooper but the story is what makes this movie amazing."
90 28% The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou (2004) - Rated 10 Aug 2012
"It's not a perfect movie but I enjoy the hell out of it every time I see it. And Bill Murray is fantastic as Steve Zissou."