
Criticker Newbie - 5 Film Ratings
Member Since: 27 Aug 2009
Location: USA

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87 0% District 9 (2009) - Rated 29 Aug 2009
"The format of the movie was good, starting with a documentary style presentation and then transitioning to regular cinematics. The story was interesting enough to keep one watching. Even though its a sci-fi thriller it touches base on a lot of social issues affecting us today. The aliens and all the other special effects looked very realistic and the querky and funny character Wikus makes the movie very good."
91 40% Slumdog Millionaire (2008) - Rated 29 Aug 2009
"I really like how the story was told through each question showing a part of Jamal's life and how he knew the answer to every question despite not being educated. Jamal's and Latika's adventure through life from impoverished kids to young adults is fun to watch and a bit emotional at times."
93 60% Forrest Gump (1994) - Rated 29 Aug 2009
"Its facinating how such a simple man can live such an amazing life, see so many things and meet so many people. The movie is full of quotable quotes such as the box of chocolate quotes or one of Lt. Dan's quotes. All these things make it a very distinguished and likable movie."
90 20% Fight Club (1999) - Rated 29 Aug 2009
"The twist at the end of the film make it a very intriguing movie. Brad Pitt's rules about fight club is a very memorable quote. It is one of the manliest movies around."
95 80% Saving Private Ryan (1998) - Rated 29 Aug 2009
"Saving Private Ryan has one of the most legendary and unforgettable opening scenes in film. The plot is very interesting, whether it be the battle scenes or the less intense "talking" scenes. The cast of actors including Tom Hanks and Matt Damon make a very compelling and riveting film."