
Flick Fan - 18 Film Ratings
Member Since: 02 Dec 2019
Location: USA

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0% Iron Man 2 (2010) - Rated 10 Jan 2022
"Better than it gets a rep for. I really enjoy it and the scene vs all the drone iron men is pretty cool."
0% Jules and Jim (1962) - Rated 05 Jan 2022
"First act is light and breezy, excellently shot, humorous, creative. World War I starts and the movie takes a turn. I really, really hated the character of Catherine by the end, but I think that was the point. At worst, this one sat with me a while, really thinking about it. Star rating was hard to situate between 3 and 4."
0% Claire's Knee (1970) - Rated 05 Jan 2022
"Not great. Very weird. Still had some beautiful shots and makes me want to ride a boat around a lake, but dear god both these main characters are villains and disturbing."
0% Cleo from 5 to 7 (1962) - Rated 05 Jan 2022
"Making an unlikeable character interesting. Surprisingly out of all the French New Wave I've been through so far, really enjoyed this one, and lots of awesome long shots in cars."
0% Speed Racer (2008) - Rated 05 Jan 2022
"Surprisingly light, fun, and entertaining. Very neat aesthetic and actually nailed the cartoons vibe. Way more impressed with this than I figured I would be."
0% Hiroshima mon amour (1959) - Rated 02 Jan 2022
"Just astounding imagery. Great backdrop to a very compelling story. This one will stick with me for a while. Stitch together the flashbacks and memories and the current day cat-and-mouse of wanting to be together but knowing they can't. Incredible."
0% The 400 Blows (1959) - Rated 02 Jan 2022
"Coming-of-age film about a delinquent who is not aided one bit by anyone around him. Lots of heart-felt character moments, and extremely well-shot. Love that scene where he runs through the countryside at the end."
0% Encanto (2021) - Rated 02 Jan 2022
"Good Disney fun, but not as compelling to me as some other recent Disney/Pixar adventures. The songs were atrocious."
0% Marnie (1964) - Rated 01 Jan 2022
"Truly bizarre and wonderful. A total mess, but very entertaining. I'm not sure how else to describe it. A little oversimplified in the themes and the resolution is a little too neat, but overall, it's great."
0% The Trouble with Harry (1955) - Rated 01 Jan 2022
"Weird part of Hitchcock's filmography, but entertaining. Funny characters, but a little too long in the tooth. Beautiful scenery and interesting premise."