
Criticker Newbie - 7 Film Ratings
Member Since: 09 Mar 2010
Location: Norway

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61 14% Iron Man 2 (2010) - Rated 02 May 2010
"starting with an ironic illustration of everyone's secret dream of everlasting universal fame, the movie declines steadily. the russian villian lacks bite, the weapon industry guy is slick but not mean enough, the social critique that can faintly be guessed at times too often hidden by outdated rocksongs. and what's scarlet j's role again? well, she's beautiful, so that's ok. the "everything can be solved by technology" jokes and samuel l.j. as samuel l.j. deserve cred. fun, overall."
75 42% Kick-Ass (2010) - Rated 11 Apr 2010
"nice twist: the movie has a "there are no action heros" narrative in parallel to an action hero plot. fabulous scene when the action-non-heros fight each other in the room next to the action hero fighting the villain. great fun."
55 0% [Rec] 2 (2009) - Rated 11 Apr 2010
"good entertainment but bad movie. a bit too few of the things that are incoherent (hard to ignore). maybe too much of a blend: zombie-alikes possessed by the devil fought by a secret church organization; night vision making something visible that is blind while its offspring is visible and can see. nevertheless, scary, funny, gross."
77 57% Harry Brown (2009) - Rated 11 Apr 2010
"dense. great acting. the portraying of the decay of the social fabric and "the revenge of the decent" do not mix well all the time, yet still a very good movie."
79 71% A Serious Man (2009) - Rated 21 Mar 2010
"eh, what was the meaning again? of life? or did i mean: the movie? ... what do they want from me? is this scene just black humor nonsense? is there a point i miss? is there, wait... what was the main question again? the more absurd the characters initially seem, the more familiar they feel after a while... careful when you look in the mirror first time after the movie :-)"
90 85% Where the Wild Things Are (2009) - Rated 09 Mar 2010
"worse than both sendak's book (of course) and dave eggers' novel (read it!) - but hey, that's not fair competition"
63 28% Alice in Wonderland (2010) - Rated 09 Mar 2010
"the "victorian nonsense" of the books meets hollywood's need for a plot - doesn't work too well. but colorful and entertaining enough to not be a wasted eve."