
Criticker Zealot - 5623 Film Ratings
Member Since: 22 Mar 2007

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90 86% Betty Boop\ Betty Boop's Crazy Inventions (1933) - Rated 15 Sep 2009
"Genuinely witty. Evidently no Betty Boop cartoon is complete without her performing a song, and not only is it a real charmer but it's seamlessly sewn (heh) into the plot. They don't make 'em like this anymore"
90 86% Tune in Tomorrow... Tune in Tomorrow... (1990) - Rated 17 Oct 2008
"Charmingly strange little movie about a young man chasing his sexy aunt, helped along the way (if "helped" is the right word) by an eccentric scriptwriter. Along the way we keep leaving the "real" storyline for interludes into the writer's deranged radio drama, which is studded with star cameos. A fun movie that also has something to say, and it's not what you might think. I don't think there's any other film quite like it"
40 23% Macario Macario (1960) - Rated 11 May 2009
"Handsomely photographed, but silly. This is yet another movie in which every character has to behave like an idiot so the plot can keep going. The late Philip Jose Farmer's novel _Stations of a Nightmare_ is a MUCH better story with basically the same plot -- "ordinary man suddenly and inexplicably becomes a great healer""
50 33% Anvil! The Story of Anvil Anvil! The Story of Anvil (2009) - Rated 19 Apr 2009
90 86% Twice Upon a Time Twice Upon a Time (1983) - Rated 13 Apr 2009
"This is a lot of fun. Should be better known than it is"
100 95% Plan 9 from Outer Space Plan 9 from Outer Space (1959) - Rated 30 Mar 2007
"So ineptly made, impassioned, and utterly crazy that it's beautiful to behold. Absolutely not to be missed"
80 68% Basket Case 3: The Progeny Basket Case 3: The Progeny (1992) - Rated 10 Sep 2008
"More like comedy than serious horror, but, considering the material and the director, that seems perfectly appropriate. So funny and completely off-the-chart weird that it's a minor delight"
50 33% Nayakan Nayakan (1987) - Rated 02 May 2009
"My first Bollywood film (actually Kollywood, but why split hairs). I know all about how Kamal Hassan is a legend in India and actually has his own human services organization to help the poor, etc., etc., etc., but this movie feels like a junior high school pageant. Clearly, the makers of this movie want it to be _The Godfather_ really friggin' bad (Hassan even stuffs cotton in his mouth Brando-style at one point) but this isn't it. The obligatory musical numbers make it even more silly"
90 86% Crac Crac (1981) - Rated 11 Oct 2008
"I remember seeing this when I was a kid; in adulthood, it took me forever to figure out what it was. By pure chance I wandered into a museum exhibit recently featuring Back's work, and I finally realized. A recent re-viewing of this animation shows it to be even better than I remembered"
80 68% Reefer Madness Reefer Madness (1936) - Rated 13 Jun 2007
"Bad but fascinating in its crudity, cheapness, hilarious ignorance of marijuana, and sheer hypocrisy"