
Flick Fan - 22 Film Ratings
Member Since: 24 Feb 2008
Location: Birmingham, AL, USA
Bio: My life is so boring. So, I spend most of my time watching ALL kinds of movies or reading.

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98 97% Adam's Apples (2005) - Rated 08 Feb 2010
75 43% Fireworks (1997) - Rated 08 Feb 2010
80 54% The Boondock Saints (1999) - Rated 24 Feb 2008
"It was really good. It sort of snuck up on me, because I had not heard much about it, before I saw it."
86 65% 300 (2007) - Rated 24 Feb 2008
"The cinematography and special effects were awesome! It may not have been completely historically acurate, but it rocked anyway."
2% It (1990) - Rated 24 Feb 2008
"I am still traumatized!"
80 54% The Ref (1994) - Rated 24 Feb 2008
"Lots of people, including Denis Leary, joke about how bad it was; but, I love it. It is one of my go to holiday movies."
88 77% School of Rock (2003) - Rated 24 Feb 2008
"If there were more teachers like Jack Black, when I was in school, it would be a lot less boring/depressing for me."
44 6% Meet the Parents (2000) - Rated 24 Feb 2008
"I liked it; but, I only watch if it is on TV and there is nothing else on that I want to watch."
92 90% Big (1988) - Rated 24 Feb 2008
"I love it. I'm sure that I am not the only person who, as a child,wished that it could happen to me."
87 70% Airheads (1994) - Rated 24 Feb 2008
"I loved when I first saw it, and still do. It's one of those movies that I only see on TV every couple of years, that I laugh hysterically at."