Bio: I\'m a Game Design major at UCSC.
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80 0% | Edge of Tomorrow (2014) - Rated 15 Feb 2015
"It's a fun movie that has significance to the SciFi genre but it's not one of the greats.The movie has good pacing and it stays focused on its themes which manage a degree of success.The most important theme is Cage's growth from hapless coward to heroic and supposedly likeable soldier but the presentation is flawed. Notably, the J Squad subplot was weak as it required an implied rapport with the characters and didn't advance Cage's development. Also, plot holes and Cruise was not believable."
85 50% | Mama (2013) - Rated 25 Nov 2014
"tl;dr: creepy but the short was better.
Mama(the movie) blew its load a bit early, much to its detriment, but Mama(the monster) saved a few tricks for the ending. Unfortunately, that didn't completely make up for the contrivances and the inexplicable decision to split up the action in the third act. However, the movie did give me goosebumps and it had a mild lingering creep. The girls gave serviceable performances. I kept listening for Nikolaj's accent. And I am infatuated with Chastain's chara"