
Film Freak - 521 Film Ratings
Member Since: 14 Sep 2013
Bio: My Rankings explanation:
1) I just signed up to Criticker. Love the idea and have got excited about ranking films I've seen so I am posting rankings for everything that stand sout in my memory. However, as I saw some of these films five years ago or more i might remember they were good, exceptional, crappy etc but not whether exactly they deserve 81 or 91 points. So I may update some rankings as i re-watch old favourites etc.

2) I have not ranked purely on film quality but also enjoyability as entertainment. IE. Maybe I am just accustomed to modern movie pacing but I find some old black and white classics a tad slow for repeated viewing. I reckon I can't be alone in feeling that though I can clearly recognize and appreciate classic pieces of cinema art or ground-breaking films of their time I'd rather watch Trainspotting, Heat, Inception or Sideways four times than say Birth of a Nation or Citizen Kane.
So I might give an old classic 82 and a brilliant new Nolan film 92 even though I think they are roughly the same quality. The modern Nolan is just more ENJOYABLE to me. OK so please no flaming me for ranking classics lower than excellent newer films. One last example and I'll shut up: I think The Mission and Blade are both pretty good (not brilliant but quality) films, but I'd re-watch Blade many times more and thus score it higher here - ENTERTAINMENT FACTOR.

more Recent Ratings

80 34% An Inconvenient Truth (2006) - Rated 30 Sep 2013
86 61% First Blood (1982) - Rated 28 Sep 2013
86 61% Hot Fuzz (2007) - Rated 28 Sep 2013
76 26% Taken (2008) - Rated 28 Sep 2013
86 61% 25th Hour (2002) - Rated 28 Sep 2013
89 72% Boys Don't Cry (1999) - Rated 28 Sep 2013
85 54% Rosemary's Baby (1968) - Rated 28 Sep 2013
75 24% Spider-Man (2002) - Rated 28 Sep 2013
"Like my superheroes grittier and tougher but this was well done in almost all respects. Green Goblin came off as a little campy and silly but then this is Spiderman and not Nolan Batman or Sin City!"
88 69% The Wrestler (2008) - Rated 28 Sep 2013
84 47% Halloween (1978) - Rated 28 Sep 2013