
Celluloid Junkie - 3390 Film Ratings
Member Since: 26 Jul 2008
Location: Canada
Age: 39
Bio: I have a twitter: https://twitter.com/flickmetictyler
I even occasionally tweet.
Here's a big long empty space to symbolize the void in my soul.

Anything 51 and up is a recommendation, meaning you aren't wasting your time seeing it. Anything between 51-79 ranges from mediocre to very good. Anything 80+ is what I call a "Great Movie" and it's a must-see and is awesome to various degrees. Anything that's a 50 is something that I'm a fence sitter on (meaning I'm too useless to actually be able to make up my god damn mind) so it could go either way. 49 and under means you should avoid. Under 10 means I was probably raped by the movie or, at the very least, fondled. Despite the effort I've put into explaining my rating system, numbers are fairly often chosen at random (well, maybe my gut feeling) so I might actually like a movie I rated 75 more than an 85, I just really can't be bothered to go back and constantly re-do my ratings.

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55 18% A Family Affair (2024) - Rated 01 Jul 2024
"Entertaining, not much else to say, really. Isn't the best of its kind by any means, though seeing Kidman is always nice and this is a charming performance from Efron, who is slowly winning me over. Oh yeah, and I know King's character was supposed to be self-centered, but my god was she ever annoying. Like, "yeah we get it, now it's starting to hurt the story" levels of annoying."
100 99% Aggro Dr1ft (2023) - Rated 28 Jun 2024
"The visuals (infrared, extreme reds, blues, AI-generated imagery, the washed out look) evoke hell, basically. If you look at this as a terrible guy in a terrible, almost alternative world (since most of us will never know what it's like to be an assassin), then everything about it makes sense, even the disgusting, repetitive, even childish dialogue or actions. It's rumination in cinematic fashion, eternal suffering. Awesome, nightmarish OST too. Korine was going for vibes, he nailed it."
85 80% Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (2024) - Rated 25 Jun 2024
"It's a situation where a prequel wasn't really necessary, but it's also great enough that it doesn't matter. Hemsworth makes a great villain and Anya is always great, though neither performance rank among the best of the year. Ultimately though, it's about the creativity, visuals, style, action and occasional comedy (because it's so over the top and goofy), and while this is a step back from Fury Road, it's still a hell of a lot of fun."
85 80% Chime (2024) - Rated 24 Jun 2024
"45 minutes is fine because there's no wasted space, but I would have taken another 20-30 and I don't think it would have hurt it. It's vague, not spelling out plot details or what it means. Lot to think about. Not scary per se, but there's a thick, ominous atmosphere. When shit happens it's like, "daaaamn." Shot well, not a wasted shot. The audio mixing deserves respect, how he puts certain noises higher in the mix (or removes sound) is wonderful, all contributing to the ambiguous storytelling."
50 15% I Saw the TV Glow (2024) - Rated 23 Jun 2024
"I understand what it's exploring but it's not the best version of itself. Too much time spent monologuing. When it does get some momentum, it's killed off with "artsy" shots like watching someone's face for a couple minutes. There's really only one moment where it ascends from an odd vibe to something resembling horror but then it descends again into what I don't like about it, right when I truly got invested. I dig the colour palette, the atmosphere and the fact it's weird though."
60 23% Trigger Warning (2024) - Rated 21 Jun 2024
"I'm always cheering for Alba and she brought gravitas to this. Felt her anger. Believable in an action role. I also like revenge flicks, even though this one is a little generic in its plotting/pacing. But I also appreciate how it put a little bit of effort into its action sequences, even if not every moment panned out well. I know people hate this but I didn't. Maybe I'm just easier to please with this genre."
70 41% Am I OK? (2022) - Rated 17 Jun 2024
"Honestly, there isn't a ton here that separates itself from the legion of movies of this ilk, but allowing Johnson to basically play a character that seems a lot like what she portrays herself as in public is a winning choice. That it isn't offensively bad (or impressively good) with some heart where it counts is a plus."
0% Winnie-the-Pooh: Blood and Honey 2 (2024) - Rated 13 Jun 2024
"A higher budget meant it doesn't look AS stupid. The gore is fine. If that's all you need, godspeed, though there are some DUMB kills. This tries so hard to be memorable. Its attempts at humour fall flat. You're a Z-movie, not B. Its defense of the costumes being bad in the first is, well, that's because these ARE humans fused with animals. Oh! Still looks dumb. Still without heart while it "fleshes out" its lore and characters. Tigger's awful. Please stop. At least it crawled out of 0."
75 54% Hit Man (2024) - Rated 10 Jun 2024
"As a guy who has read a lot of psych over the last decade, the psychology angle was interesting. The way it connects with the rest of the premise is smart without being pretentious. It's more breezy than you might expect. Arjona and Powell were awesome together and the sexy scenes were actually seductive. This is the first time I've been impressed by Powell. Arjona lookin' HOT here. I'd help her too. Plot's never boring. I wouldn't say this is hilarious but it's always entertaining."
70 41% Late Bloomers (2023) - Rated 07 Jun 2024
"The script makes this character a little too unsympathetic at the beginning, digging a bigger hole than it should have, so Gillan had to really climb. And she did. This is her best performance so far. It's not a funny movie at all but because of her the jokes aren't cringey. Don't approach as a comedy. The drama works because it's heavy material and Gillan, again, handles it wonderfully. Script isn't the cleanest but it's still emotional and worth watching."