
Celluloid Junkie - 2908 Film Ratings
Member Since: 29 Sep 2008
Location: Australia
Age: 33
Bio: Hey.

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83 74% The Standoff at Sparrow Creek (2018) - Rated 26 Jun 2024
"Right out the gate, an awesome film. Beginning with a set-up that feels traditional, but dressed up with particular characters (the militia kind) that are rarely seen in most kinds of films (with the main character grappling with this new life contrasted with his old one). And they're all immediately identifiable by terrific acting and muscular writing, as the story and its revelations are dripped out in a satisfying and oftentimes dark manner, up until the neat twist ending."
73 46% Rolling Thunder (1977) - Rated 26 Jun 2024
"It's funny to see how 'action' films back in the day now come across like slow-burn, meditative, arthouse mood pieces. This revenge tale has a very strict manner of pacing, with very little fat, but still enough time spent throughout each plot-point to build up tension and establish mood and conflict. Once it's done, it's done, and its existential leanness makes it somewhat hard to think of how this film really resonates -- I guess it's all about Vietnam, man."
74 49% Late Night with the Devil (2023) - Rated 25 Jun 2024
"A pretty neat concept that's lovingly utilised and well paced as it deals the ambiguity of the supernatural or mere trickery, which works its way to the film's conclusion (if you take this more as a film rather than a genuine record). Not much deeper beyond that, not very scary, and might not have a whole load of rewatchable quality, but still a consistently amusing horror film."
67 29% Bruiser (2000) - Rated 25 Jun 2024
"The concept for this film seems very metaphorical, yet I thought it might lend to some very reflective material here. But the concept gets kinda knackered -- the mask obscures his identity, yet his victims do recognise him once he starts talking. It doesn't come across as a well thought out script, but there is still plenty of (admittedly) trashy enjoyment here, especially Stormare's very fun performance (and the final kill is definitely not something I've seen before)."
83 74% One Hour Photo (2002) - Rated 25 Jun 2024
"A terrific, enjoyable watchable, and hopefully unrelatable thriller-drama, with a premise that is both unique and now nicely nostalgic, cementing this film in a particular time. It wouldn't be as great without Williams, giving what has to be my second favourite performance from him (Popeye is obviously my favourite), a down to earth role that's scarier the more human he tries to be."
82 70% Lakeview Terrace (2008) - Rated 09 Jun 2024
"Definitely feels like traditional storytelling, even formulaic, and this does result in it having a touch of an overblown climax. But it's all done with creating a superb character dynamic in mind, and with so much attentiveness in the acting, dialogue, the back and forth of their relationship, and even the cinematography, this results in a fun movie about neighbours acting badly, with an original antagonist who becomes more engaging with each scene that he's in (at least until his last)."
66 26% End of Watch (2012) - Rated 09 Jun 2024
"Initially seems like a true-to-life cop flick, helped by not just by the camcorder footage the protagonist is filming, but the doco-drama chatter and comraderie that's embellished by it. But soon enough, this devolves more and more into mushy sentimentalism for conservatives, with an annoyingly felt obviousness in characterisations and plot. Half-way through watching this, I realised I was meant to have put on Lakeview Terrace instead."
53 8% Ricky Gervais: Armageddon (2023) - Rated 05 Jun 2024
"Disappointing from Gervais, whose quality decline stems from how he can't mediate his thoughts on anti-woke culture in a meaningful or amusing way. He can now indulge in the laziest gags and punchlines from the ridiculousness of modern culture, yet he himself is at his most ridiculous when he's being serious, denouncing proselytising at the start and then resorting to proselytising at the end (anti-woke Atheist vegan celebrity is a bad personality combo)."
68 32% Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga (2024) - Rated 05 Jun 2024
"It's still fun to see such Australianised villains, especially from an utmost grotesque angle, made devilishly fun by the make-up, costumes, and accents. This separates this blockbuster from any other, but it's the only unique aspect of this otherwise derivative slop hot off the conveyor belt. All the action, drama, and particularly the bland heroine have been witnessed many times before, in better, more genuine, and more realer feeling blockbusters."
84 77% American Movie (1999) - Rated 04 Jun 2024
"I was actually disappointed by this as an account of filmmaking, as it doesn't delve into that many of the different avenues of creating a film. But as an account of these particularly people in this particularly place in this particular time, it's incredible. There's so much depth to these two fellows, and scene after scene of such hilarity and humanity, I love to rewatch them. This documentary really achieved far beyond what these guys set out (and failed horribly) to do."