
Flick Fan - 32 Film Ratings
Member Since: 20 Nov 2023
Location: Canada

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100 82% Funny Games (1997) - Rated 23 Apr 2024
100 82% Samurai Rebellion (1967) - Rated 23 Apr 2024
"This was an experience to behold. The framing, use of space and the variety of shots used to immerse the viewer in this Edo period drama was consistently excellent."
48 10% The Platform (2019) - Rated 23 Apr 2024
"One of those movies that came out and garnered a reputation around the time the worldwide pandemic came through. As per my modus operandi, I avoided it until the world was no longer speaking about it, and I'm glad I did, because this is like a well polished turd."
100 82% The Zone of Interest (2023) - Rated 23 Apr 2024
"Okay look, imma be straight with myself and admit that I didn't fully understand EVERRYTHING, but, I certainly left the theatre with this lingering feeling that beneath the facade of everyday life, this great unseen evil, like a dormant virus, needs to be acknowledged."
45 6% SiREN (2016) - Rated 23 Apr 2024
"An off-putting mix of old dog water mixed with campy B-movie tropes and visuals bearing very little in common with its source material. Yet, somehow, it isn't the worst thing I've ever seen?"
30 1% The Boy (2016) - Rated 23 Apr 2024
82 48% Holiday (2018) - Rated 23 Apr 2024
"This film fucked with me. I found out about it because I was reading about the French Extremism movement, which I was already familiar with, but this film came up in reference to films made in more recent times, which piqued my curiosity. A somewhat minimal, yet brutal depiction of cruelty. I could only imagine that this would be a much more challenging experience to watch this if it was in a theatre."
100 82% Mysterious Skin (2004) - Rated 23 Apr 2024
"It's not often you'll find films made like poems, every scene and sequence like verses and stanzas."
80 42% The Bourne Ultimatum (2007) - Rated 24 Nov 2023
"Loved the first 2/3rds infinitely more than the final act, but that doesn't hold back the film for me. In terms of fast-paced, action thrillers, I hold this specific entry in this franchise with very high regard."
58 17% The Road (2009) - Rated 24 Nov 2023
"Hmm, I've been slightly misled to believe that this should have been one of "the most depressing movie(s)" ever, which tainted my viewing, a bit. I was expecting the worst, when I really should have gone in with zero expectations. Don't be me, go in as blind as you can, assuming you've not already read the source material. Overall, decent, not a waste of time. Honestly, one of the better disaster movies I've ever seen."