
Flick Fan - 52 Film Ratings
Member Since: 11 Sep 2011
Location: Australia
Bio: early 30s, grad student, background in cinematography, acting, and international relations/human rights. Passion for comedy with substance, entertainment over art, joie de vivre over darkness.

more Recent Ratings

80 25% The Bodyguard (1992) - Rated 11 Sep 2011
"Embarassingly loved it when I was a teenager, can't escape it. A bit shlocky but sweet and well paced. Whitney Houston was such a gorgeous talented force in the entertainment world. I wish her well."
85 40% Far and Away (1992) - Rated 11 Sep 2011
"Pure tongue in cheek entertainment about the Irish American pioneer experience. Cliche but loveable, and Cruise and Kidman shine at a moment when they seemed in love and in psynch. Endearing and funny/heartwarming. Good times."
70 16% 27 Dresses (2008) - Rated 11 Sep 2011
"Entertaining for 24 carat shlock. One hilarious scene of them dancing drunk, but otherwise absolutely canned. Entertaining, though."
80 25% Atonement (2007) - Rated 11 Sep 2011
"This book is so phenomenal that even though the film is a bit flat, the sheer power of the story makes it worth watching. Disturbing, intense, a story of class struggle and betrayal in WW2 Britain. Great acting all around. Very sad."
95 90% The Reader (2008) - Rated 11 Sep 2011
"Phenomenal. As good as the book. Literary and superb. A disturbing connection between a much older woman and a very young teenager (13-15, I don't know, young enough that if the genders were reversed it would be pedophilia). Deals with important issues of guilt and forgiveness of the Nazi legacy in germany, the loss of youth, and the power of literature."
45 14% Shallow Hal (2001) - Rated 11 Sep 2011
"Shlocky gross out humor. Has the Holywood fast food appeal, but any opportunity to probe the interesting issue of inner beauty is lost."
10 4% Wimbledon (2004) - Rated 11 Sep 2011
"shlocky, poorly written, selfish characters, uninteresting."
10 4% Just Married (2003) - Rated 11 Sep 2011
"unwatchably stupid."
90 70% Chungking Express (1994) - Rated 11 Sep 2011
"Quirky, fun, well made. Artsy "foreign" film that is very accessible and engaging in an eccentric way."
75 19% Dear John (2010) - Rated 11 Sep 2011
"Entertaining although flat and cliche. Sad and poignant, but a relatively smart love story. Romantic, but unnecessarily suffering and not funny or interesting enough to move it into the 80s grade range."